The truth

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|Evelyn POV|

After telling Shawn and Dominique about me being pregnant, I decided I need to tell the others. Not all of them just the ones closest to me, aka Matthew, but I have to tell Jack and Camilia. Maybe just Jack.

|Jack POV|

I haven't seen Evelyn since the hospital but I've been thinking about her ever since. I know I fucked up and I was an ass but I miss her. She was the best girlfriend. My only real girlfriend anyway. I just wish I hadn't been stupid enough to let her go.

She probably went back to Shawn which would mean I have no chance but I hope she hears me out, I want to make things work.

I hear a knock on my door interrupting my thoughts. I walk to the door annoyed, having a pretty good idea of who it was going to be. "Go away T-" I stop as I open the door. I look down at the short girl in front of me.

"Evelyn, what are you doing here?" I ask. She's wearing sweats and still looks gorgeous. "I need to tell you something." She says bluntly. "Okay well come in." I say leading her to the couch. She sit down and she awkwardly looks down playing with her fingers. "What's wrong?" I ask knowing she's upset about something. "I'm not upset." "Yes you are Ev I know you and whenever you look down and fumble with your fingers it means you upset. Tell me what's been going on."

She looks at me trying not to tear up. "I'm just going to get straight to the point...... Jack I'm I-I I'm pregnant." She said crying at this point. I don't even know what to say so I just pull her into a hug. Damn, I'm gonna be a father.

"Look Ev I'm sorry I was an asshole and I know I fucked up but I miss you so much and I can't believe I let you walk away I should have apologized a long time ago but I haven known what to say. I just want to start over" I say.

"Keep your head held high princess." I add lifting her chin to reveal her puffy eyes and tears. I lean in kissing her gently and surprisingly she kisses back. And for the first time in a while, I felt that spark. Like electricity through my veins that just made me want more.

|Evelyn POV|

"Keep your head held high princess." Jack added lifting my chin then kissing me softly. I kiss back surprisingly, I just miss his touch. Being with him always made me feel this rush of excitement.

Don't get me wrong I'm not fully forgiving him yet or trusting him at that I just miss him. I know there's Shawn and the fact that he might be the father too but I don't think Shawn is ready to be a father either way. Plus Jack lives right next door he'd be able to be there for the baby.

I don't know what I'm going to do but right now I just want to stay in Jacks arms.

Bet you guys weren't expecting that 😂
So tell me who you guys want the dad to be and who you think it's going to be! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I kinda missed writing Jevelyn stuff 😊

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