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You and Pedro are doing an interview and something unexpected comes up. Like some certain questionable videos of you on Tiktok.

Just some minor swearing and mention of sexy dancing.


You and Pedro are getting ready to do an interview together. You really like doing interviews with him because Pedro always has fun and you don't feel as shy when he's with you.

You both finish up with hair and makeup before going to take a seat in the chairs they have for you.

Pedro grins, reaching for your hand and you cling to his, feeling a little nervous.

"I'm so glad you're here, Pedrito," you murmur softly, leaning towards him. Pedro gives you a wink and you feel your face heat up.

The interviewer, a young woman, comes to join you both, taking a seat in the chair across from you and Pedro.

Pedro hasn't let go of your hand and you're secretly glad. You need to feel him right now.

"Are we ready?" The woman asks. You can't miss her gaze as she looks at Pedro. You're not jealous. Not really. Okay. Maybe a little!

"Yep!" Pedro says. The woman finally looks at you and you nod. The woman nods, too, and looks down at her clipboard, filled with questions to ask you and Pedro.

The guy running the camera turns it on, pointing it in your direction. He gives the woman a thumbs up, signaling he's ready whenever she is.

"Okay! Pedro, first question is for you." Naturally, you think. This woman is trying way too hard to get Pedro's attention.

"What was your favorite thing about doing this movie?" Pedro turns to you, A soft smile on his handsome face.

"This girl, right here. We had a lot of fun working together." You blush.

"Yes. We did." The woman nods and asks you the same question.

"Pedro. And getting to work with a famous director."

"Pedro, is it safe to say that you and Y/N are officially dating?" Pedro just smiles, but neither deny's nor confirms that.

Luckily, the woman takes a hint and decides to move on. Unfortunately, what she decides to move on to, isn't exactly what you'd like to discuss.

She holds up her phone and you see what she has on the screen. Several sexy videos. Of you. Dancing.

"Pedro, have you seen these?" She asks.

Pedro leans a little farther out, studying the woman's phone. You bury your face in your hands. Of course someone would see those and tell Pedro about them!

"Uh, no. I..I haven't. Wow." Pedro appears to have lost the power of speech after seeing those videos.

The woman is smirking and you want to grab her phone and smash it.

"It appears your co stars really enjoys herself some sexy dancing, huh?"

"And what's wrong with that?" You ask smiling sweetly at the woman.

"Could you dance that way?" The woman looks uncomfortable and embarrassed, quickly clicking off the videos.

"You know, if you're so embarrassed to have people see those, perhaps you should remove them."

You notice that the woman hasn't answer your question and you can't help but feel oddly satisfied about that.

"Where was that on?" Pedro asks.

"Tiktok." Pedro laughs but looks kind of awkward. You squeeze his hand and you feel him relax a little.

"Don't worry, Pedrito. I can give you a live performance later on. If you'd like. "

"I wouldn't say no," Pedro jokes. "I just didn't realize you were capable of doing something that...naughty."

Now you laugh. You're not feeling as awkward about the whole thing now. In fact, it seems more funny than embarrassing.

"We haven't been around each other long enough, I guess," you joke and Pedro laughs again.

"Ahem!" The woman clears her throat loudly and both you and Pedro look at her. Whoops. You'd actually forgotten that she was there!

"Oh! Sorry!" Pedro apologizes. "We'll pay attention amd finish the interview!"

The woman looks somewhat annoyed, but manages to stay professional for the rest of the interview.

Finally, you smd Pedro are finished and you head for home.


You decide to give Pedro a live performance of your sexy dancing, just like you offered earlier.

"Damn, Y/N! You look so sexy doing that!" Pedro says, grinning as you grind against him.

You laugh, grabbing Pedro and pulling his body against you as you continue to dance.

Pedro holds you by the waist and you dance in time with the music.

"What other secrets are you hiding from me, chica?"

"You'll just have to wait and find out, Pedrito." You gently kiss him.and Pedro grins.

"I'm looking forward to it."

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