Separate Pt. 2

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Hi everybody! I'm finally feeling more up to doing some writing. I really, really appreciate your patient and support while I was going through a difficult time.

So here's part 2 of this. It probably won't be too long, though! Hope you enjoy!


You're still feeling a little separated from Pedro and Oscar, and it's really starting to bother you more. Then the unthinkable happens and sends you reeling, emotionally.

Some swearing but mostly major angst.


Pedro is twirling you around as you both dance in the club. It's getting late and you're starting to slow down, just a tad.

Pedro is grinning, as the music throws loudly through the speakers and the flashing, strobe lights mess with your line of vision.

You try to smile, although it's not easy. Pedro and Oscar's dumb friends were at it again, making inappropriate remarks about you and Pedro being together.

You know that it's dumb and you shouldn't let it get to you. Why should you even care? Pedro is mad about you and that alone, should make you indescribably happy.

It does. However, the constant snide remarks are slowly starting to burn themselves into your brain, where you continue to replay them over and over.

The song that you and Pedro were dancing to, comes to an end. Pedro protectively holds your hand, leading you away from the dance floor and back over to the table, where Oscar and only two other people are seated.

You breathe a sigh of relief, as you noticed that the more offensive of the people have chosen to leave.

You sit down and Pedro sits down beside you and you lean back against him, as Pedro's arm comes up around you and he kisses the crown of your head.

You smile, tilting your head up and looking at him. He's beautiful. He really is. You don't think you'll ever get tired of looking at him. Never.

"Where'd everyone else light off to?" Pedro asks Oscar, who's finishing up his beer.

"Said they had somewhere else to be." Oscar stands. "Anyone wanting any refills?"

"I'm good, thanks," you reply, stifling a yawn. Oscar grins.

"I think we're wearing out girl out, Pedrito." Pedro laughs, giving you a gentle squeeze.

"As a matter of fact..." You smile. Pedro laughs.

"We'll go in a few minutes. Can you hold on for a while, mi amor?" You nod. You're feeling more relaxed now that the others have gone.

"Yeah." Oscar repeats his question, asking if anyone wants anything. Pedro asks for another beer and suddenly, you realize how badly you need to pee.

"I'll be right back." Pedro holds your hand, gazing tenderly into your eyes and gives you a quick kiss on the lips before releasing your hand.

You make your way through the crowded club, heading for the women's restroom.

Once inside, you quickly use the toilet and then when you go wash your hands, you stand there, trying to regroup.

You stare at your reflection, wondering what the hell Pedro Pascal sees in someone like you?

Not that you're going to start mentally bashing yourself. You just wonder why he loves and wants you.

You have to smile as you leave the restroom. Pedro is such a kind and beautiful soul that every time you look at him, you fall in love with him all over again.

Just as you're to your table, you stop, cold, staring. You're not sure if your mouth is hanging open, but it sure feels like it should be!

Much to your shock and dismay, some beautiful woman, who looks to be closer in age to Pedro, is leaning close to him, smiling and flirting shamelessly with him!

You move a little closer. That's when Pedro just happens to look up. He looks positively mortified. He stands up and opens his mouth, but no words come out.

You immediately feel the hot tears pricking at the back of your eyes. You blindly stumble forward, grabbing your shit, turning and running out of the club.

You think that maybe you hear Pedro shouting your name, but it's impossible to tell over the sounds of the throbbing music.

Besides, you're pissed and hurt and not interested in talking to Pedro right now.

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