Pedro-The Secret Is Out

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Although technically these images are closed for requests, I had a friend request this and since they've been a great and supportive friend, I agreed to do this one shot. Huge shout out to marvelgirl11111111 Thank you! And hope you like ☺


Y/N is a 12 year old girl who is super talented at motorsports, rides a black motorcycle, has a pet hawk, Hawky and pet wolf, Hunter, which is also Y/N's middle name. She never wears dresses to premieres, instead preferring to wear suit and tie and has short hair, plus always wears a mask due to a scar on the lower half of her face and Pedro (who's like a father figure) gets suspicious of Y/N one evening and discovers her double life. Some minor swearing.


You'd love to just really show Pedro (or as you always refer to him as, Mr. Pascal) what you're made of.

He's such a sweet guy and is constantly looking out for you, which you really appreciate, although it can be annoying at times.

He's probably the closest thing you have to a real dad and his overprotective nature is enduring most of the time.

You'd just finished up on another red carpet, smiling and waving, as multiple cameras flashed, taking a hundred pictures of you, Pedro and Mr. Isaac (Oscar, Pedro's best friend and kinda your surrogate uncle.)

"You know what would be fun?" Pedro asks, grinning that goofy grin of his. "Having a nice, relaxing meal at a restaurant."

"Count me out," you say, backing up and accidentally bumping into Oscar, who catches you from falling.

"Where's the fire,Y/N?" Oscar asks, grinning.

"I'm just exhausted." You pretend to be super tired, just so you can get out of here and hopefully make it on time to your favorite past time, racing your motorcycle.

"You're so full of it!" Pedro is smirking at you and you know he's probably on to you.

"Later, boys." You reach the motorcycle, grabbing your helmet, strapping it on and climbing on, turning the key and waving at your boys before speeding away into the darkness, your adrenaline already pumping.


You have to stop at home briefly to change into your black leather outfit and see your pets, Hawky and Hunter, rubbing their furry heads for good luck.

Hunter whines, pawing at you and you lean in, kissing his black nose.

"Don't worry, Hunter. I'm always careful! And Mr. Pascal doesn't know anything!"

You quickly head back out, eager to join in on the competition, knowing you'll kick everyone else's asses.


You've been competing for nearly an hour and it down to you and two other bikers. One of whom, is this huge muscled dude, who keeps winking at you and another girl, with long blonde hair and looks pretty intimidating.

You stare straight ahead, willing yourself to focus. You can win this one. You've done it numerous times because you're amazing at everything. Hand to hand combat, using every kind of weapon known, skateboarding and snowboarding.

The official gives the signal and off you go! You forget absolutely everything else as the wind rushes pass you, your adrenaline racing through your veins, heart pounding in excitement.

You see the finish line just ahead and next thing you know, you cross it, releasing a wild whoop of joy.


You're just climbing off the motorcycle, pulling off your helmet, spot...Pedro only a few feet away.

His mouth is dropped open as he notices the scar on the lower half of your face. Your face burns with embarrassment and shame, as you quickly try to cover it up.

Pedro is pushing his way through the crowd, which has gathered around you, as you turn away, wondering what you should say to him.

"Y/N." Pedro touches your shoulder and you automatically flinch, tears welling up in your eyes, unable to look at him.

Pedro slowly turns you to face him and he looks...shocked, to say the least. His finger touch the scar.

"Y/N, what is going on here?"

"It's none of your damn business!"

"Hey, you shouldn't talk that way. And I'm not judging you. I was just concerned."

"Since when do you care, Mr. Pascal?" You're so mad at yourself for getting upset with Pedro.

"Because," Pedro says softly, putting his arms around you. "You're like a daughter to me."

"I know the...scar was a bit of a shock."

"I've never seen you without your mask before so yeah, it was a little shocking."

You finally dare to look up at Pedro. He's smiling in a caring way and you practically melt.

"How did it happen?"

"Well...I'm kinda into a lot of different things. Fighting hand to hand. Skateboarding. Snowboarding. That sorta stuff."

"Wow!" Pedro looks halfway impressed by you and you're slowly warming up to the idea of sharing more of your unknown life with him.

"I never knew. By the way, I like the scar. It makes you pretty badass."

You grin, happy that Pedro is being so cool about this unusual turn of events.

"Would you like to see. Mr. Pascal?"



You'd show off a little to Pedro, but unfortunately, end up having some anxiety issues, but Pedro is right there to console you.

You're not one who's much for emotional displays. You never cry or scream. It's why you're so into this a this dangerous stuff. It kinda helps you, actually. You feel more in control.

"You're amazing, Y/N," Pedro murmurs as you both lie on the floor in your apartment, as Hawky perches on the back of a chair and Hunter, who's lying right beside you.

"Yeah." Pedro chuckles, shaking his head and reaching out to grab your hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I hope you'll let me come and cheer you on a little more at your motorcycle events."

"Maybe." You still feel a little weird about allowing Pedro to do that.

"No pressure," Pedro adds. You twist your head around, grinning at Pedro. You feel pretty lucky to have someone like Pedro in your life.

And you wouldn't change a thing.


That's it! Hope you liked! Sorry it's a little short.

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