Joel Miller-Protective

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You, Joel and Ellie are ambushed by several infected and you find out just how protective both Joel and Ellie are of you.

Swearing and violence.


You feel as though you've walking for hours, your feet feeling heavier with each step you take. Shit. How many days has it been since you agreed to take Ellie out West with your partner, Joel Miller?

Too many. Too many damn days. Why can't this just be over with already?

Ellie steps closer to you, occasionally glancing at your face, a deep thoughtful look etched into her youthful face and you can't help but grin.

"Y/N, you feeling all right?" You chuckle, reaching for Ellie's hand, giving her fingers an affectionate squeeze before releasing.

"Just tired, Ellie. But I appreciate the sentiment."

"How long before we take another break?" Ellie asks, her gaze looking into the vast distance. There's nothing of much interest on the horizon and it makes you wary.

"A while yet." Joel joins you, looking into your eyes briefly before staring straight ahead, his eyes getting that vacant look that they often do.

No one says another word for a good twenty minutes. Suddenly, up ahead, you spot...oh shit.


Immediately, Joel slides his gun around, a stone hard look on his face as he aims at the slow figure lumbering towards you.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The infected falls to the ground, as you turn your head away, not wanting to see it anymore. Ellie reaches over, clutching at your arm and it makes you smile.

She's a good kid, who's, unfortunately, been dealt a rough hand in life. Although you weren't terribly pleased at first to be her temporary guardian, you got to know Ellie better and now, you're quite protective of her.

"Seriously?" Ellie says, looking disgusted. "It's starting to really piss me off, constantly running into those..things."

"They aren't "things,"" Joel snaps. "They were people."

"Yeah, people who are now monsters."

Joel opens his mouth, but doesn't get a chance to respond, as you see what he sees. An entire horde of infected, coming directly at you.

"Oh shit!" Ellie cries, her fingers tightening on your bag strap. "What are you we gonna do?"

"Run like hell." You take off at top speed, occasionally turning to fire at the infected chasing you.

Your heart is fluttering wildly in your chest as Ellie struggles to keep pace with you. You grit your teeth and push yourself harder. You'll be damned if any of those infected touch Joel or Ellie.

You spot a building several feet to your left and reach behind you, fumbling for Ellie's hand. She grabs on, clinging, holding on for dear life as you two veer over towards the entrance of the building.

You practically drag Ellie inside, pushing her behind you, still firing at the infected, covering Joel as he races inside, firing his own weapon.

A loud, screeching noise appears from behind you all and Ellie whips around, eyes wide, as two infected come charging at you.

"Oh hell no!" Ellie reaches down, picking up a piece of brick, chucking at the lead infected, dropping them to the ground.

You fire at the second one, who screams in pain, dropping beside the first one.

"We need to move!" Joel shouts, grabbing you by the hand and tugging you along, Ellie clinging to your other hand.

You see a car just over and you let go of Joel's hand, dashing forward to see if it's serviceable. You see some car keys hanging from the ignition and quickly open the driver's side door, leaning in and trying the car.

It starts up almost immediately and you tell Ellie to get into the back seat, shouting for Joel, who's still trying to keep the infected at bay.

Joel hurries over, grasping the car door handle to the passenger side and slides inside.

You're already throwing the car into reverse as three infected appear, screeching and clawing at the car windows, making Ellie screech in terror.

"Hold on!" You quickly manage to maneuver the car forward, running over the infected and driving straight through the side of the building. You draw a shaky breath, glancing in the side view mirror, watching as the building and the rest of the infected grow smaller and smaller.

"Is everyone all right?" Joel asks, first looking back at Ellie, who's shaking a little and then over at you, his gaze lingering for a few seconds.

"Define all right," Ellie mutters, drawing her legs up and wrapping her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees.

"We're fine, Joel," you murmur, reaching out to touch his fingers. Joel nods.

"When are we gonna stop?" Ellie asks.

"In a couple of hours."

"Are you really okay, Y/N?" Ellie bursts out, her voice quivering slightly.

"I'm just fine, baby girl. Are you?"

"I'm okay." You glance at Ellie in the rear view mirror and lock eyes. Hers look a little moist.

"I don't want to lose you," Ellie says softly. "Either of you."

You stop the car at an empty intersection and put it in park, reaching back to touch Ellie's face.

"We're not going anywhere, baby girl. I'm staying right by your side."

Ellie smiles a little and grabs your hand, squeezing. You smile, gently tugging your hand away.

"Looks like you're stuck with us," Joel adds. You chuckle and resume the driving.

"Lucky me," Ellie says but there's no sarcasm in her voice.

"That's right, Ellie," you say. "Lucky you."

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