Dieter Bravo-Sad

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Dieter got his heart broken by that blonde bitch he thought was in love with him.

You try to comfort him and things end up going in a direction you never expected.

Some swearing and innuendo.


You sigh, leaning against the closed door of Dieter's bedroom. You know how depressed he's been since she broke poor Dieter's heart.

It makes you furious, just thinking about that!

How could she just dump Dieter, after all those times she claimed to love him forever?

Ha! Filthy little slut!

You knew this would end up happening. figured it'd be Dieter who broke her heart. Not the other way around.

You sigh, twisting the doorknob and pushing open the bedroom door, pausing in the doorway, just barely making out Dieter's form, burrowed beneath his mountain of blankets.

The shades are drawn, casting a dim light inside the room. You softly close the door and walk over to the bed, carefully settling down on the edge.

You feel Dieter's body shift in the bed, although he makes no attempt to emerge from beneath the blankets.

"Dieter," you murmur, leaning towards him. He merely grunts at you.

You kick your shoes off, lifting the blankets and sliding beneath them.

Ugh! That was the wrong thing to do! It reeks of body odor and bad breath under here!

You're not surprised. Dieter hasn't left the damn bed in days. It breaks your heart seeing him so sad.

"Dieter, come on. You can't stay in bed forever."

"Go away!" Dieter pushes your hand away, as you try to massage his shoulder.

"Dieter, I know you're hurting. But come on! That little bitch didn't deserve you!"

Dieter comes to life, as he rolls over, glaring at you, his brown hair messy and fluffy, sticking up all over his head.

"Don't you dare talk about Anika that way! She was a perfect angel, who was so pure and beautiful!"

Yeah. Whatever. If the bitch was so perfect, she wouldn't have broken your beautiful and precious Dieter.

"No, Dieter," you snap. "You simply allowed yourself to believe that because you wanted to!"

You slide out from beneath the mountain of blankets and sit up, leaning down to snatch up your shoes before standing.

"Fine, asshole!" You growl. "Just continue lying around, feeling sorry for yourself and mooning over some worthless bitch, who completely broke you!"

Your voice catches on the end of the sentence as you storm out of Dieter's bedroom, tears threatening.

Dieter pushes the blankets aside, calling out to you, but his only response is the sound of his bedroom door slamming shut.


You sulk for nearly two hours before finally returning to Dieter's bedroom.

This time, however, he's sitting up in bed and he's showered and even changed his clothing.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Dieter says softly, stretching out his arm and beckoning you forward.

You walk over to the bed and sit down, sliding back and closer to Dieter who immediately tugs you against him.

You smile, turning your head and burying your face into his clean tshirt.

"I apologize for lashing out at you," Dieter adds, tenderly massaging your back.

You lift your face, looking at Dieter. God, he's so beautiful. (Even when he has major bedhead.)

"I'm sorry, too," you say, reaching up to comb your fingers through his already messy hair.

"You're right, you know," Dieter says. "I do deserve better."

Your heart is beginning to ache. You want to tell Dieter how you feel, but you're scared to.

"Perhaps I don't need to look far." Your heart skips a beat. Does Dieter mean what you think he means?

"I never realized just how good you could be for me." You're trembling and your heart is pounding away in your chest.

"I..I can't believe I'm hearing this," you admit. "I've been in love with you for a long time, Dieter. But I never thought you'd think of me as anything more than a good friend."

Dieter holds you out at arms length and suddenly, he's leaning closer and closer until his beautiful, full lips are pressing into yours.

You think you'll explode from the impact of Dieter Bravo kissing you.

You'd imagined this so many times and it wasn't nothing as beautiful as this!

You realize, too, thank goodness, that Dieter even brushed his teeth! You laugh as you gently hold Dieter's head, resting your forehead against his and simply enjoying the view of his beautiful face so close to yours.

"Oh, Dieter," you murmur. "You've made me so happy."

Dieter actually chuckles as his hands slip down to your waist, simply holding you.

"I think I could love you, Y/N. I really do." You grin and kiss Dieter again.

Then you snuggle close to him as he holds you tightly in his strong arms.

"I am sorry about what happened between you and Anika, Dieter. Really."

You feel Dieter rest his chin on the top of your head and you can't stop smiling.

"Thanks, doll. I..I guess we just weren't compatible."

You tilt your head up, gazing in Dieter's beautiful brown eyes and completely get lost.

"I guess not," you agree, slipping an arm around Dieter's waist and holding him.

You feel him sigh and know it's going to take some time for Dieter to completely get over that bitch.

But as long as you have him now, that's better than nothing.

And you'll take whatever Dieter is willing to give you.

Although you know that Dieter can be cocky and is prone to getting too wrapped up in his own shit, deep down inside, he's a good person.

"Say, uh, Y/N?"


"I was wondering if maybe you could help me with something?" You smile, knowing what Dieter is going to ask you.

" you wanna have sex with me?"

You laugh and nod. What a complete goofball!

But you wouldn't want Dieter to be any other way.

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