Oberyn Martell-Bitch Fight

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You're madly in love with Oberyn and he's madly in love with you as well. There's only one problem:Ellaria Sand.

She's jealous of you and hates you all because you and Oberyn want to be together.

She causes a ruckus and you really give it to the bitch.

Swearing and violence.


You're sitting on Prince Oberyn Martell's lap, feeding him grapes, as his hands eagerly roam your body.

You giggle, leaning against his chest, stealing a quick kiss from him. Oberyn grins that beautiful smile of his and you nearly melt into a puddle.

The effect this man has you! It's maddening!

But you wouldn't have it any other way.

"My princess, you're so beautiful," Oberyn drawls in that beautifully, accented voice of his.

"No, my lord," you disagree. "You're far more beautiful than I."

Oberyn pretends to look ashamed of himself, but you can see that teasing twinkle in his beautiful brown eyes and know he's not the least bit ashamed.

"That is true. Yet, you're beauty is still quite strong."

Oberyn's gaze grows intense and you feel your face growing warmer by the second.

Oberyn's lips are about to connect with yours, when a shrill voice rings out, jerking you back.

You turn and grit your teeth as the tall, slender brunette woman approaches both you and Oberyn.

It's that bitch, Ellaria Sand! She's Oberyn's former lover and she still carries a torch for him, which only agitates you.

"Still screwing this dog, I see." Ellaria casts a nasty smirk in your direction and you smile back, just as meanly.

"It takes a bitch to know a bitch," you snap, suddenly finding that you want to tear her head off.

"Hah! I'm far more of a damn lady than you'll ever be!"

"Ellaria, what business do you have here?" Oberyn snaps, sounding impatient and annoyed.

You can't help it; you smirk. You're not one to brag, however, you're quite pleased that Oberyn chose you over this whiny, little bitch.

Ellaria loses the cocky look on her face, rushing over to Oberyn, grabbing for his arm, clutching it, looking upset.

"Lover, please! Come back to me! You know that you only want me!"

Oberyn shakes Ellaria off, his handsome face turning stony and cold.

"We've discussed this, bitch," Oberyn spits out. "We're through with one another! I only want Y/N! Now! Leave my sight! Before I slit your throat myself!"

Ellaria completely loses it, her face contorting with fury, as she turns her attention on you.

She grabs your arm, yanking you out of Oberyn's lap, and tossing you on the ground, grinning wickedly.

Your temper flares as you get up, marching over to Ellaria and slapping the bitch across the face, leaving a red mark on her left cheek.

"Why, you little whore!" Ellaria lunges at you, her face red with rage, as she makes a grab for your neck, wrapping her bony hands around it, squeezing.

You start to gasp from the lack of oxygen and suddenly feel Ellaria's hands reluctantly release her hold on you, as her body flies to the ground.

Oberyn is standing there, a look of pure disgust on his face.

"Never touch my princess again, you filthy whore!"

Ellaria's eyes widen at Oberyn's sharp tone. You take advantage of her and pounce on her, punching her in the face multiple times, causing blood to drip from her nose and mouth.

Ellaria is completely enraged by now and tries to punch you, but misses by yards.

You go to stand, but Ellaria grabs your legs, causing you to topple backwards and landing hard, on the ground.

Ellaria grins wickedly at you as she starts towards you. You quickly jump to your feet, lifting your leg and swinging it, crashing it into Ellaria's already bloody face.

She cries out, falling backwards and grabbing her face. You cross your arms over your chest, satisfied with yourself.

Beside you, Oberyn chuckles softly, wrapping his arm around your waist as you press into him.

Ellaria slowly gets to her feet, swaying unsteadily, her head down, her long hair hanging in her bloody and bruised face.

She gives the briefest of glances towards Oberyn before turning and limping away, like a dog, with their tail between their legs.

"Any time you consider returning, bitch," you shout at Ellaria's retreating figure.

"Remember how I kicked your sorry ass!"

Oberyn suddenly and roughly grabs you, kissing you. You smile, touching his beard.

"Yes, my lover," he murmurs softly. "You did indeed kick Ellaria Sand's ass. And I couldn't be more proud."

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