22| platonic

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The floor groans as dad's familiar footsteps nears towards my door. Mom hasn't left her room since she walked away last night. I have a feeling that will be the last of what I see of her till Christmas break.

Last night after everyone went to their rooms I heard mom and dad arguing faintly through the thin walls. I know mom won't apologize or care to talk it out because she never does.

"I'm sorry about mom honey. She cares about you and your education she just doesn't know how to show it." Dad stands in the doorway watching me pack up my suitcase.

I know he has good intentions but I just want him to stop. Why can't he just let her own up to her mistakes? "I appreciate it dad but you know that she thinks she's in the right." He sighs and sits on the ledge of my bed.

"She's stubborn but that's where you get it, you know." He lightly chuckles but it fades when he sees me continue to pack up my things.

"I'm gonna visit Mrs. Rivera before Raya and I leave tomorrow morning." I zip up my suitcase and roll it against the wall. I don't mean to dismiss him but I really don't want to hear it. Dad sighs and kisses my head before telling me that he'll drop me off tomorrow.


"Okay, we'll see you again in a few weeks," dad pulls my luggage out of the back "don't listen to your mother. We all know you're doing the best that you can." He hugs me and stays with me till I get to security.

The sun is up and glaring though it's still pretty early nobody is seated at the gate other than a few other people. Raya is still not here yet probably just coming now after running some last-minute errands.

Raya cuts it close and finally gets to our gate ten minutes before we get called to board. She ignored my scolding look and slung her arm over my shoulder telling me I'm no fun. We board the plane and I take the window seat.

I dig my phone out of my bag before the flight attendant tells us to turn on airplane mode.

Me: Just boarded abt to leave.

Just as I'm about to put my phone away again my phone buzzes.

Carter: Ok text me right as you land so u won't have to wait long for me

Carter: Does Raya need a ride too?

"Tell him I'm good," Raya says before I even ask her I look at her blankly and sigh. "What? I'm giving you an answer and time to be alone with your loverboy."

Me: She's all set she says thanks though

Carter: Alright well after I get you do you wanna get lunch out or have lunch at my house? It's your choice my mom doesn't mind she says whatever you want.

Lunch! With his mom right.

"You alright? You're making that face when you think you left the stove on or the flat iron plugged in." Sounds about right.
"Yeah I'm good just remembered something." The flight attendants come around making sure the top compartments are closed and secure.

Me: We can eat out that way she doesn't have to get something prepared.

Me: I gotta turn my phone off I'll text you later.

Carter: Can't wait to see you later.

Can't wait to see you? What. I'm tempted to text him again but I shut off my phone before I get a chance to.

"We will be taking off soon please shut your devices off or put them on airplane mode and stow your smaller carry-ons fully underneath the seat in front of you." The flight attendant's voice bellows throughout the plane while the other attendants begin to check everyone's seatbelts.

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