12| her

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Carter's POV

As soon as I push the door open exiting the arena the harsh wind blows past my ears making them sting from the cold. Alex is by my side, and Caleb somewhere else doing who knows who or what. I fish my keys out of my pocket to unlock my car and my shoulders ache as I pull them back.

My stomach clenches in tinges of soreness when I bend over to put my gym bag in the back. Alex does the same and closes it while I get into the driver's seat. "You going to the party tonight?" Alex asks me as he connects his phone to my car to play some music. We finished our morning practice and I have at least an hour before class. Alex doesn't have a class so I have to drop him off at home.

"Maybe, I don't know." I put the car into drive and pull out of my spot. I was hoping to run into Teagan but there's no chance of that since she's in Boston with Lena and Tate.

"Maybe? What do you mean you're always looking for a chance to get drunk." Alex scoffs.

"Pshhh not only to get drunk but I'm not feeling it tonight," I affirm.

Even though I've only hung around Teagan a couple of times her company is nice. It's refreshing being around her. She's calm and makes me wonder. More specifically makes wonder me what's going on in her head. Tate and Lena have told me that she's just cautious of who she trusts. I believe that cause I've seen how she is with the two of them. With them, she's smiling all the time, laughing, and says whatever. She's more reserved and quiet when she's around me. I'm guessing she's like that all the time with unfamiliar people. It's obvious when she wants to say something or has something on her mind. She makes facial expressions probably without even realizing she is doing so. She stares off into space or picks at her nails, and she bites the inside of her mouth trying to refrain from saying something.

I want to see the side of her that she shows to Lena and Tate. Even Liam gets to see that side of her. But to her, I guess I'm not trustworthy to her yet.

Lena and Tate are also one of the few friends that I have that are girls. I don't have many of them because from past experiences they get mad when I tell them we're friends. When that's what I thought we were all along. I never lead them on did anything to make them think differently. At least I hope I didn't. 

I met Lena for the first time when Liam introduced me to her after one of our games freshman year. I started to talk to her and become friends with her when she was in one of my classes last year in spring. Tate on the other hand I met her at some party and then we got into an intense beer pong game. We had just finished the game and from what I remember she had said to me "not bad, pretty boy."  Which was a nickname she kept for me and Liam. I'm closer to Lena more than Tate though mainly because I'm her brother's teammate.

I just don't get how I've known both Lena and Tate for almost a whole year and I never once met Teagan until now.


Alex opens the door to our apartment. It's a good size, very modern. When you first walk in you see the living room and the wall is all glass showing the town. To the left, the kitchen opened into the living room, and Caleb and Alex's rooms on the left side and mine on the right. I of course got the master because I found this apartment and am paying a little more than the both of them.

The first thing Alex does is throws his backpack on the ground next to the couch and lays down on the couch turning on the flat screen. I slip off my jacket putting it in the closet next to the entrance. My muscles feel like they hate me and I have thirty minutes before I need to leave so I have enough time to ice.

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