7| ungrateful

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Lena came home last night from Boston. Today is Monday and we're all homework free and in the mood for a movie. I didn't see Carter today because the class got canceled today.
L and I are on the couch with a blue fuzzy blanket. I'm on one end and she's on the other our legs on top of each on the couch. Tate is sitting on the surprisingly comfortable armchair that came with the suite. We're scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to watch. We settle on Me Before You. None of us have watched it before. I mean I've heard of it but I haven't read the book or watched the movie.

While the movie starts Tate spreads out all the snacks she bought from the convenience store. Popcorn in the middle gummy bears on the left. Chips are on the right and other snacks spread around the coffee table.

"So how was the party this weekend?" L asks us as she reaches over to grab some popcorn.

"Same old, same old," I answer coolly.

"Liar!" Tate calls me out. L raises an eyebrow at me waiting for me to fess up. I don't. "Teagan got drunk! At the hands of Carter." Tate answers for me. "And it didn't take her long."

"You make it sound like it was my first time. But how was your weekend L?" I try to switch the topic.

"Nope, you are not getting out of this. How did you drink so easily around him?" A small smile starts to appear on her face. Oh no. I can practically see her gears turning to create some type of scenario.

"I don't know I felt comfortable with him for some reason." I shrug answering L's question. I look back at the TV seeing Sam Claflin in a wheelchair.

"I could tell you finally looked like something wasn't shoved up your ass," Tate says casually. I chuck a throw pillow at her making L laugh. "What it's true you are always worrying about this and that."

"It's true Teags you know I love you but you always have your head up in the clouds, never in the present." L says extending her body fully across the couch. "But c'mon truthfully how did he do it?"

"I don't know he said he knew I was being paranoid. We started talking and then I was too distracted from talking to him to realize I had drunken more than I thought I had." I answer truthfully. L's smile starts to grow even more.

"What did you talk about?" L asks me grabbing a box of Milk Duds.

"Nothing serious I don't remember a lot of it but it was random stuff." I grab the bag of gummy bears.

"I saw them talking. You should've seen the way he was looking at her and solely paying attention to her." Tate exclaims.

"Not you too. There was literally nothing." I tell Tate.

"Not gonna lie I'm kinda hurt. Tate and I have been trying to get you more comfortable with drinking. Then Carter just swoops in and gets you to drink just like that." L flails her arms outwards. We continue to watch the movie. We're all out of popcorn and gummy bears halfway through the movie. By the time we finish the movie L is straight-up balling, Tate is sniffling, and a stray tear falls down my cheek.

I don't really cry during movies unless it has to do with animals dying. Other than that, it will take a lot for me to cry during a movie.

"I really thought they were getting their happy ending." Tate sniffs. "Oh my god, I'm an ungrateful bitch. He had an ex-fiance that just went to his ex-best friend during a time of need... and I'm over here playing with boy's hearts because it's fun." Tate lets out a sob this time. She says that but will continue to toy with their hearts. Tate inside is actually a real softy she just doesn't wanna admit it.

"But but- Lou," L manages to get out with her sobs.

"That was terrible," I say wiping that one tear away. "They really had to do it to us. They said love isn't enough sometimes." I cradle the bag of chips in my arms before reaching into the bag and shoving some in my mouth. The loud crunches cause L and Tate to look at me. Whoops, wrong timing.

To lighten the mood we start to watch some Gilmore Girls. We watch the episodes where Jess and Rory first get together. We stop after almost three episodes because it's almost eleven and L has a morning class tomorrow.

Since Thursdays are pretty much my day off I decided to drive downtown and walk around. I walk around a few blocks admiring small businesses. The orange leaves are falling off the trees and onto the sidewalk. I turn onto the next block when I see a bakery with a "help wanted" sign on the door. I've never been inside but I know that everyone raves about their pastries and donuts. I continue walking before stopping at the local cafe to get some tea.

I decide to go down to the coast where the lighthouse is. It's only a fifteen-minute drive and I have nothing to do. Once I park at the beach I take off my shoes before I walk in the sand. This isn't the main beach on the coast there is a larger one that everyone goes to. I like this one because it's less crowded with people when it's warmer. The gentle scent of salt moves past my nose. A breeze begins to pick up blowing my long beige cardigan behind me. It's surprisingly warm for November weather here in Connecticut. It's still cold enough for my skin to prick with goosebumps through the knitted material of my cardigan. I rub my hands up and down to create some warmth on my arms. I should've worn something else other than this tight white crop top. Thankfully, my legs are covered with a pair of skinny jeans and I don't feel the breeze on them.

Whenever I was younger and feeling sick, antsy, or overwhelmed my mom told me to go outside. She told me to walk in the backyard barefoot. To focus on the way the blades of grass felt on against feet with every step I took. To focus on how the wind felt against my skin, and to focus on how the sun and the warmth felt against my skin. It always helped me calm down and relax. So that's what I'm trying to do. I love doing this at a beach because of the feel of the sand in between your toes and hearing the crashes of the waves. I walk closer to the water and stand in the damp sand letting the water rush over my feet. It's cold but it's refreshing. I close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing. I also focus on how the sun feels on my skin and the wind brushing past my face.

I hear feet slapping against the sand but I decide to keep my eyes closed. "Teagan?" The person calls out. I open my eyes wrapping my cardigan tighter against my abdomen. He's familiar, I've seen him before but I can't put a name to his face.

Crap. Crap. Crap. What's his name? Max? Cam? No. Caleb! That's his name. "Caleb. What are you doing down here just for a jog?" I ask looking at his outfit. He's wearing black basketball shorts and a white muscle tee. It's turned kind of transparent because it's drenched in sweat. I discreetly let my eyes run down his ripped arms. My eyes focus on the veins bulging from the top of his bicep stopping a couple of inches above his elbow. My eyes trail down his arm further and catch another vein bulging from his hand trailing up to his forearm. I quickly move my eyes back up to Caleb's eyes. The smirk on his lips tells me he caught me checking out his arms. Fuck.

"I don't like jogging on campus it's too stuffy. And I can't jog by the water up there because it's where the ships dock." He answers pushing his blonde hair that's fallen onto his forehead back. "So what are you doing down here? I saw you over here but I couldn't tell if it was actually you." He asks me.

"I was bored and didn't have anything to do so I came down here to clear my head." I answer looking back at the ocean. I rub my hands over my arms to warm them up again.

"I would offer you my jacket but I don't have mine right now." Caleb smiles at me. I laugh in response and tell him it's okay. We continue with small talk, he tells me about the hockey game and tells me I should come. I told him I'll think about it and then the topic changes to the party last weekend. "I saw you hanging around with Carter at the party." He pauses. He saw me? I didn't even know he was there. I don't know what to say because it wasn't a question so I stay quiet. "Are you guys a thing?" He looks at me with a blank face. I almost laugh and shift under his gaze.

"No, I don't think I'd consider him a friend. Yet. He's more of an acquaintance." I mustered.

"Nice to know." He laughs. "I'm starting to get cold so I'm gonna go." He tells me. I give him a quick goodbye before he continues his run.

I stay at the beach for five more minutes before dusting off my feet and slipping my shoes back on. One thing that keeps replaying in my head from Caleb and I's conversation is when he said "nice to know."

What is that supposed to mean? I'm overthinking again, aren't I?

Sorry, this one is a little shorter than the rest it's a filler.

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