8| please

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I chose to walk to class today because I want to take in the good weather before it's gone.

But I know I'm gonna regret walking later.

I'm starting to get a little warm with my baggy Illinois sweater on top of my black turtleneck. As I walk to the lecture hall I pull the sleeves of my sweater to cover my hands. I focus on the other crunch of the leaves as I step on them on the sidewalk. I normally would have my earbuds in but I put them in my backpack before I left the dorms. I already want to go home and I'm not even in class.

I pull the door open to the lecture hall. I sit in my usual seat next to Ben at the very end of one of the back rows. Thankfully, he's also in this class with me. I give him a quick hey.

Ben is the type of friend that you only hang out with only in class. Then the minute you aren't in class with them you are like who? But we get coffee sometimes and we mainly just talk more like complain about our classes. The professor tells us that they're going to get started now. I get my iPad out ready to start taking notes.

I feel goosebumps erupt down the back of my neck causing me to shiver. It's probably just the air conditioning. I don't know why they wait till the very last minute to switch to the heater.


When I look up from my iPad I see Carter staring at me from the middle rows. He's sandwiched in between another guy that I think is on the hockey team and a red-headed girl. He gives me a lopsided grin. Before I overthink this I tell myself It's just a friendly smile. I give him a small smile in return before returning to my notes. Before the class ends the professor tells us that we have a quiz on the material we went over within the past few weeks.

I took Intro to Psychology because I am also interested in mental health and psychology in general. But, after taking this class for just two months I think I'm gonna stay out of the medical field. The lectures are only on Mondays and Wednesdays so it doesn't take too much of my time.

The professor dismisses us and I say goodbye to Ben. I exit the lecture hall and begin to walk to the library to study for the quiz. Just as I reach the sidewalk outside the lecture hall I hear my name being called. I step to the side and look in the direction I heard my name. Carter is at the top of the stairs where the entrance is. I wait for him to catch up to me. He makes his way down the stairs and walks over to me.

"Yes?" I answered. Hope that didn't sound rude.

"Are you busy?" He asks me. He literally has to tilt his head down a little just to look at me. That's probably not a good view.

"Maybe. Why?" I don't want to give him a certain answer because who knows what he's up to.

"We should hang out." He announced with the same smirk he gave that first party I saw him at. What's his motive here?

"Well in that case I'm going to the library to study," I tell him picking at the cuff of my sweater.

"Okay, I guess we're going to the library," Carter tells me.

"You don't have too you know. We can just hang out another time." I suggest since I don't think he would really like to come with me to the library.

"Wow, Teagan already trying to get rid of me." Carter jokes.

"Shut up." I scoff jokingly at him walking away when I turn back he isn't following. "Well, are you coming or not?" He laughs but stays where he is.

"Come with me I brought my car." He shifts his body to face the parking lot. Thank god cause it would've been a long ten-minute walk. I turn around fully and begin walking back to him once I'm practically next to him he begins walking. We walk next to each, Carter leading me to his car. I get into his black Jeep. He puts his backpack in his backseat and reaches his hands out so he can mine back there too.

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