1| dibs

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1 Year Later

I'm waiting for Lena and Tate it's move-in day of our sophomore year here at Yale. Freshman year was amazing and I'm ready for another great year. Rooming with Lena and Tate was so fun they weren't creepy people. We've gotten so close, so we decided to keep on rooming with each other. Liam has become like an older brother to me and Tate. Tate thought he was hot and I'm sure she still does because who doesn't. After getting to know him she doesn't see him in that way.

"Hey!" Tate exclaimed pulling me into a hug her long black braids blowing around in the breeze. The last time I saw her was in June but we all still talked over the phone all the time.

"Ahh!" Lena screams and jumps onto Tate and I mid hug. Lena and Tate saw each other in July since they live closest to each other.

"Ahh, I've missed you guys!" I squeal into the hug squeezing both of them extra tight. I pull out of the hug and see Liam walking over to us holding a box of Lena's things.

"Hey Liam, you're helping." I say with mock wide eyes acting surprised referring to when he didn't help Lena move in last year, or when she moved out.

"I got dragged here so don't get too excited." Liam rolls his eyes scoffing.

"Ha okay, you sure you're not saying that as an excuse and just want to be in our company." Tate laughs while picking up a box that was by her feet. Tate and I are already checked in we are waiting on Lena.

"Yes, it's my senior year and I could be doing anything else but I rather be here with my sister and her friends." Liam replies sarcastically with a tight-lipped smile. Lena walks back to us and we all walk to our suite.

"Well, you can leave then." I laugh at him unlocking the door with my keycard.

"Yeah leave then." Lena sneered.

"Fine, I'll help." Liam grumbled ah the power of reverse psychology. I look over at Lena and smirk at her. She's about to giggle but shakes it off before she gives away that she's not really mad at Liam. My hand grips the handle when I push open the door the suite looks like a public school classroom with furniture. It kind of smells like mothballs. Gross.

I didn't tell them but since I stayed at a hotel I got here earlier then they thought. I checked in and went up here and found the room that looks the most spacious and has the best natural lighting. I went back down to where people were checking in and pretended as I had just gotten there. When we walk into the common area I immediately run to the room I decided was the best.

"Dibs!" I yell jumping onto the rock-like mattress thank god for mattress toppers.

"What! Okay, are sure though?" Lena asks from the common area thinking that I didn't get a good room.

"Yep! But you, on the other hand should pick a room." I say loudly reminding her. She gasps and her feet patter against the floor going between the remaining two rooms.

"I claim this one!" She yells.

"I don't get why you guys care there all the same size" Tate yells this time. Are you sure about that Tate?

Once Liam has helped us get all of the boxes up here Lena, Tate, and I are dying of exhaustion. That would be my workout of the month. Liam closes the door behind him not even breaking a sweat.

"After all those boxes are you not tired?" I gasped for air.

"No, how are you guys even tired after that." He chuckles at the three of us panting. What do you mean! we carried multiple boxes up three flights of stairs multiple times, and they have an elevator we could've used but nooo.

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