23| multitask

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Della was very adamant about us waiting out the snowstorm. I mean there's no rush it's Saturday and classes don't resume until Monday. What's the harm? Carter looks at me waiting for my decision. He didn't protest he had no reaction. Maybe he wants to spend more time with his family but doesn't want me to feel like we should stay because he wants to.

"It's up to you," Carter tells me no indication of whether he wants to stay or not.

"I don't wanna make you drive through that we can just wait it out," I tell him making my decision.

"Okay perfect! I'll meet you two at home and then I'll get you settled in for the night." Della's eyes crinkle as she smiles at me. Carter looks at me with a smile that makes my heart stutter.

The server puts the bill down and Della swipes the bill as I get my card out. "Nonsense!" Della laughs at me and proceeds to hand the bill to Carter.

Carter lets a little chuckle and shakes his head. He puts down his card and gives Della a small side hug. "Anything for my mother."

After we leave the restaurant Carter and I drive behind Della following her back to the house. Carter has one hand on the wheel and the other on the curve on my seat. His hand begins to fiddle with my hair again but I've come to accept it.

Deciding to mess with him I say "Shouldn't you have both hands on the wheels?"

He takes his eyes off the road and grins at me. "I can multitask." He shifts his hand from my seat to my face grazing my cheek with the knuckle of his finger. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I can feel goosebumps prick my skin even though it's burning hot in the car. My cheeks heat up and the way Carter grins harder tells me he notices too.

"Eyes and hands on the road and wheel." I swat his hand away trying to contain the flutters in my stomach. Carter looks back at the road but keeps his hand on my seat. The rest of the drive I watch as we pass the snow-covered pine trees and think about how the actual fuck I got myself here.

After Della had shown me where I'd be staying tonight she left Carter and me saying she had a couple of errands to run before the snowstorm got bad. The guest room overlooks their pool in the back and is decorated modern and minimally matching the theme of their house. I sit on the bed for a few more minutes before the urge to snoop wins me over.

I peek into the hallway before making my way a couple of doors down and knock on Carter's door before twisting the knob. His bed is the first thing that comes into view as it sits in the middle of his room. Carter's bed is made and his room is tidy, nothing lying around. Looking around the walls are painted dark blue but that's barely visible because of how many framed and signed hockey jerseys line the walls. A shelf by the window is dedicated to his trophies and medals. I walk closer to the shelf to read the medals and trophies. The majority of his medals are gold very few of them are silver and I don't see any bronze ones. There are so many of them hung up on the shelf that I'm surprised that it hasn't broken. The shelf above holding his trophies says championship after championship.

"Hey snoopy." Carter grabs my hips and I let out a little scream.

His hands remain on my hips as I spin around and smack his shoulder. "You couldn't have knocked or done anything that didn't require scaring me?"

"Where is the fun in that?" Carter smiles down at me and holds eye contact with me. That and his hands on my hips burn into my skin making me feel too many things. I turn back to the shelf and try to remain indifferent.

"You're room bleeds hockey. If I break a hole in the wall will pucks are gonna fall out?" I tease, his hands fall from my hips as I walk away from him exploring his room some more. I try to ignore the flicker of sadness that hits me when his hands aren't on me anymore. I shove that flicker down reminding myself that it was self-inflicted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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