4| gym

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I can't breathe. My stomach hurts so much. Tears start to leak from my eyes. I can't believe she said that to me.

Sorry, let me rewind.

A couple of minutes earlier.

"Hey, Teags what's your plan for today?" L sits on the edge of my bed. Twidling her thumbs to busy her hands.

"Nothing much, but today is my laundry day so I'm gonna get started on that." I'm at my desk writing an essay for psychology on my laptop.

"Well, you wanna come with me? Tate is in class right now."

"Come with you where?" I close my laptop deciding that I've written enough and can save the rest for later.

"To the gym." L gets off my bed and stands there patiently.

"Wait what?" I ask to make sure I heard her correctly.

"Do you wanna come with me to the gym?" L says slowly to make sure I heard her right this time. I start doubling over in laughter. Hah! She really asked me that!

Now back to the present

I'm still dying of laughter when someone knocks on the door in the common area. L leaves the room and opens the door for Jen. She walks in settling a paper bag and a tray of coffee on the counter.

"I brought bagels and coffee!" Jen walks to my room. "What's so funny? Why is she on the floor?" Jen and L both stand in the doorway.

"I don't know all I did was ask her if she wanted to go to the gym." She says that word again and I start laughing even harder than before. L looks at Jen confused. Jen shrugs and L walks away.

"Are you done?" L reappears at the doorway with a coffee and bagel once I've managed to get up onto my knees and catch a breath.

"Whew, that made my day!" I say wiping the tears that leaked out.

"What was so funny?" Jen asks me still confused.

"The fact that L asked me to go to the gym." I stand up onto my feet and walk out of my room to grab a bagel. L and Jen trail behind me still quiet and confused as to why it was funny. "I don't go to the gym. I thought you knew this L?" I explain to them pulling a plain bagel from the bag. My form of exercising is walking to class instead of driving.

"Huh, that's why I always go to the gym with Tate. She always said to not bother to ask you now I know why" L takes a sip of her coffee.

"So wanna go shopping?" Jen asks. As much I'd love too I can't, I'm broke. I really need a job. Ah to hell with it I'll "look around".

"Yeah sure, why not." I dip my hand back into the bag to find cream cheese.

"Yeah okay." L answers.

We take Jen's car to the mall. Jen and L lead the way around since I'm not gonna be buying anything. Jen and L have been jumping from store to store and only bought three things in total. While they shop I look around for a total of minutes so I'm not tempted to buy something. Looking outside the tall glass windows I see teenagers maybe even younger. They are walking around with more bags than I usually have leaving the mall. To be young again and have mom and dad pay for my stuff.

We walk to the next store. Oh no. We walk into H&M my ultimate weakness. I'm gonna be walking out of here with bags in my hand. It's like Target for me, you say you're gonna only buy this then you end up buying this and that, then that. You get what I mean. You get sucked into the shopping blackhole, forgetting what you actually needed.

Yep, I walked out of the store with three bags of pants, skirts, and a couple of tops. Now I'm actually broke. After going to one more store we call it quits and drive back to the dorms. Jen lives a floor below us. But she always hangs out with us because her roommate and her don't get along. But that's from Jen, I don't know what it's like for her roommate.

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