Chapter numero uno.

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Liliana's POV:
"Would miss Liliana Gabriel go to the adoption office, I repeat would Liliana Gabriel go to the adoption office." Rang over the loud speakers in the corner of the girls dormitory.

They must have it wrong, nobody ever wants to adopt me, and if they do they usually send me back within a week anyway.

The lady on the loud speaker spoke again.
"Now, Liliana." The woman sounded more annoyed this time.

I made my way down the hall and turned left at the stairs where I came across the adoption office. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Ahh, Liliana may I introduce to your new parent/guardian."

Bearing in mind I turn 17next year I'm actually lucky to be getting adopted otherwise they would have to kick me out in a couple years time, and I wouldn't have anywhere to stay.

I looked at the guy that was gonna be my 'dad' he had black hair was quite buff and tall.

"Hey I'm Thomas Petrou, I've decided I'm going to adopt you."

"I can see that." I said bluntly.

"Liliana don't be rude."

"Sorry, I'm just tired." I made up an excuse not being bothered really.

"Well if you wanna come back with me today you can, but it's only up to you. If not I'll be here first thing in the morning, and that way you'll have time to say goodbye and pack you things." Thomas said.

I appreciated the thought, but I don't really have any friends and I literally don't own anything so yeah.

"Nah it's fine I'll leave with you today I just have to grab one or two things."

"Alright, when your finished just come back here and then we'll go home." He smiled.

I went to the girls dormitory and got my rucksack and put my clothes in it. I only just realised how little I actually have. Wow. I lifted up the mattress on my bed and picked up the lighter and the box of mallboros. I don't really do drugs I just like to smoke keeps me calm I guess. I stuff them into the bottom of my bag so nobody will find it and I pick my only other pair of shoes I own and stuff then in there as well.

Once I'm done I go back to the adoption office and meet Thomas there.

"You ready kiddo?" He asks me as if I'm twelve.

"Yep, let's go." I said.

We walked out of the orphanage and I followed him to his car.

"A Tesla? Why's a rich guy like you, adopting a scrawny little shit like me?" I asked.

But all he said was "language" and chuckled slightly whilst shaking his head.

"Go on just get in." He said.

We got in the car, and I asked to turn the radio on.

"Go for it."

"Thanks." I replied as I turned the volume up.

Soon enough we were rolling up to some big fancy gate that opened and that's when I saw the mansion.

"Holy shit! You live here?!" I asked a bit too excitedly, fucking idiot sometimes.

"Wow I think that's first enthusiastic thing you've said all day, and yes welcome home."

I scoffed. "I doubt it, you'll probably send me back by the end of the week."

"Liliana-" he started but I cut him off.

"It's Anna.., please. I don't like being called 'Liliana'."

"Okay, I'm sorry... but Anna I'm not going to send you back, I want you to be apart of my life and I want to be apart of yours. Look I promise I won't send you back."

He finished parking in the garage. And I nodded my head slowly.  That's when I realised how many cars there were.

"Wait, if you live here why are there so many cars?" I asked thoroughly confused.

"Well I live here with some friends, we're a content house we're the 'Hype House'. Cmon I'll introduce you to everyone. There very excited to meet you."

"Okay, sure."

Hmm, maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought, Thomas is actually genuinely being nice to me and it seems real but I'm just scared to get attached and then be sent back to that stupid orphanage. To be honest I could see myself calling this home. I wish I could call it home and hopefully I'll be able to.

I get out the car and follow my new guardian into the house, bruh no it's too big to be house ima call it a fricken castle.

Thomas opened the door and I followed him inside into the living room where everyone was. There was balloons and a welcome banner and some presents I think on one of the many bean bags on the floor.

"Hey guys, may I introduce to you my daughter, Liliana, but she likes to be called Anna." He turned and smiled at me, happy that he remembered what I said. It actually felt nice to be referred to someone as their daughter, I felt warm inside... wait ew what the fuck is wrong with me, snap out of Anna.

He introduced me to everyone, and I gotta say I think the people I like best were Alex and Kouvr.

"Anna would you like to open your welcome home presents?" Kouvr asked me.

"Sure." I said smiling at her and sitting down in the bean bag that had the gifts on.

I opened the fist one and it was a lavender coloured iPhone 12.

"Brooo, this is the most expensive thing out of everything I've ever owned." I smiled at Thomas. I was actually warming up to this dude.

"It has some social medias downloaded on it and Kouvr or someone can help you set it up later if you like."

"Sure why not I guess."

Okay I know I told myself to snap out of it but I'm not sure if I want to or not. These people seem like they actually care. Its different than anyone else that I've been with.., I just have a feeling. But I can't quite tell if it's good or bad just yet. I'll have to wait and see.

The next present was a skateboard, which is pretty sick apart from the fact that I can't skate for shit.

"That present was from Vinnie, he's not here at the moment but he'll be back later so you can thank him then." Thomas said.


I opened the last present and it was makeup and hair stuff and it was signed from Kouvr and Alex. I'm defiantly starting to prefer/like these 2 more than anyone else. I think I'll try to get to know them better.

AN: Edit, errmm so I just read this and omds its so cringe

AN :
Heyyyyy, so I hope you like my first chapter also for the sake of this story Vinnie's 16 at the moment and finishing school online but kinda dropped out , and Liliana is 16 turning 17 in a couple of months cause it's October. Right now in the story and her birthday is on April 20th. (Also the years 2021 in October, and it will progress on like normal from there).

Love u lots Mwuah <3

Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now