Chapter 8

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Thomas's POV

Oh my god, she just called me dad. I pulled away from her, holding her shoulders. "Dad?"

"Yeah, thought it was about time. What, do you prefer Thomas?"  She asked me.

"No, dad is fine."

"Okay padre."

"What the fucks a padre?" I laughed.

"It means dad in Spanish, dipshit."

"Hey! No calling your padre dipshit, also your not grounded but if I see you smoking you will be."

"Wait so what if you don't see me?" She smirked

"Then I would never know, but please do not get any ideas, especially from Papper."

"Who's that, and we'll see won't we." She patted my chest before walking back into the house.

Vinnie's POV

Anna completely ignored me, didn't even look at me once. Did I do something wrong. I don't think so.

I went to the front door because I heard the bell ring. It was Nikita.

"I'm ready."

"Nikita your 45 minutes late. We already shot the video." I laughed.

"Well you should at least let me meet this wonderful girlie, I wanna meet her."

"Sure, she might be back inside by now."

"Okayy. Bye Vincent."

I watched Nikita walk away and I went up to my room.

Liliana's POV

"Hellooo, excuse me I'm looking for someone called Liliana." I heard someone call through the house.

"Uh, that would be me." I said awkwardly I was walked further into the living room.

"Wait? Anna?"

"Nikita?!" I exclaimed after I realised who it was.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Thomas asked confused.

"Uh, of course, whenever I found my little Anna drunk somewhere after sneaking out the orphanage I would always let her stay the night and take her back in the morning, I would've loved to have got you out of there Anna but I wouldn't of been able to look after you properly." She came and hugged me.

I pulled back from the hug and smiled at her.
"Don't worry I'll always love you."

"So?" She asked me.

"So what?"

"Have you learned yet?" She asked me.

I sighed. "" I said quietly.

"Excuse me, miss girl, speak to me properly."

"No I haven't learnt yet, but I really tried i just can't do it."

Nikita was the only one who knew I couldn't read. She was the only one that knew a lot of things. But she must've forgotten the fact that my actual name was Liliana, and that Anna was a nickname.

"Wait, what? I'm so confused, learnt what?" Thomas asked with his eyebrows thorough.

"Oh Anna can't-" I slapped my hand over her mouth and stared at her with a look that definitely said 'NO'.

I removed my hand, and she finished what she was saying. "Anna can't impossible on a skateboard yet, last time I found her high trying to do it. Let's just say it didn't go as planned." She laughed awkwardly and so did I.

She didn't tell them I can't read but she told them I did drugs, that's like ten times worse.

I saw Thomas glaring at me.

I laughed again to brake the silence before I spoke again. "Yeah.. so I'm just gonna go to my room. Been a long day you know, umm yeah bye."

I quickly ran upstairs before Thomas could ask or say anything. I was looking behind me to make sure he hadn't followed me up when I bumped into someone and fell on my arse.

"Oh sorry here." He said whilst holding his hand out.

"It's alright thanks." I took his hand gratefully and he pulled me up.

"So who are you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm Chase Hudson, I'm Thomas's partner but I don't live here anymore I have my own house back in LA."


"But who are you?" He asked confused.

I sighed. "Who knows man, who knows." I said whilst patting his chest before walking away and going towards my room. I saw out the corner of my eyes the confused look on his face.

Once I was in my room I went over to my vanity, sat down and removed my makeup. Chucked my hair into a messy bun and stared at my reflection pointing out every little flaw in my head before getting up again and putting some comfy clothes on.

(This without the coat) ^^^

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(This without the coat) ^^^

I picked up my skateboard that Vinnie got me put my shoes on and put my phone in my pocket.

I walked out my room and went downstairs, straight to the front door. I had memorised the way to the skate park so I knew where I was going. I needed to think.

Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now