Chapter two.

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Thomas's POV

"Hey, Mia?"

"Yeah, what's up?" She replied.

"Do you think Liliana is gonna like it here?" I asked kinda nervous.

"You know what, once she gets to know all of us she will, and she'll grow to love you. I can feel it." She answered me with a warm smile as we both watched her unwrap Kouvr and Alex's present.

"Hey, umm Thomas do I have a room because I wanna put my stuff somewhere, I promise I'm not trying to be inconsiderate." She said the last part almost scared, it was... weird.

"Yeah, of course and don't worry about it it's completely fine." I reassured her.

She picked her bag and put her makeup in it, put her phone in her pocket, put her bag on her shoulder, and picked up her skateboard.

"Right then, I'll show you to your room." I told her with a smile.

She nodded kinda awkwardly. I really want her to feel comfortable.

We walked up the stairs with everyone following and Alex had his vlog camera out filming the whole thing, and as we got to her bedroom door I asked. "Are you ready?"

She nodded and smiled.

(This is yours/Liliana's room, u can change it if you don't like it! <3)

(This is yours/Liliana's room, u can change it if you don't like it! <3)

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Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now