Chapter numero cinco

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*still Liliana's POV*

"Heyy Thomas." I spoke as cheerfully as I could.

"Hmm, you want something. You're too... enthusiastic. And do you and Vinnie have matching makeup?" He asked the last part confused.

"Yes and yes."

"Okay what is it that you want."

"Well Vinnie saw how I've never had my ears pierced and I have to say yes to him for a whole week and he said that he's taking me to get my ears pierced if you say yes." I spat out.

"Uhhh okay, but nothing too extravagant."

"Okay." I smiled at him kinda scared.

"Okay I'm gonna go get my keys and then we'll go." Vinnie said before turning around and going upstairs.

"I'm gonna go and get my phone and stuff."

"Okay." Thomas said suspiciously, I don't know what he's thinking but he's way over his head. I hope.

I run upstairs and go into my room. I pick up my phone and it says something in a grey little box. I have no idea what it says... I can't read, the only reason I know what brand it says on my cigarettes, is cause one time I went to the shop and asked for a random box and they told me the name of them, then I stole em. Like I said I can't read, that also means I count money or read the bills. Cause of my self consciousness I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on it.

I grab my cigarettes and lighter and put them in my bag along with my phone, I walked downstairs and Vinnie met me.

"Hey did you not get my text? I told you to bring your board down." He asked a little confused.

"Oh yeah, sorry forgot." I laughed awkwardly and ran back upstairs and grabbed it. I have no idea what that stupid text said.

I ran back downstairs and went to Thomas before going to the front door where Vinnie was waiting for me.

"Umm Thomas?"

"Yeah what's up?" He asked a little concerned.

"What day is it today?"

"Sunday why." Now he was just confused.

"Oh no reason. Love you bye." I shouted as I walked to the front door.

"You ready to go?"


We walked to the garage, and he took me to a black jeep.

"This is yours?"

"No but I still use it."

I just laughed and shook my head. We both got in and Vinnie put the radio on as he drove down the drive way.

I got out my marlboros and lighter, stuck one between my lips while I lit it and and offered Vinnie one.

"Sure. Just make sure to open the window, don't need Alex's car smelling like fags, he'll kill me."

I unrolled the window and lit Vinnie's fag before placing it between his lips. As my arm hung out the window i hadn't realised that my sleeve had risen.

Vinnie was about to turn so of course he had to look both ways, and that's when he saw my scars.

Vinnie's POV

I had put my indicator on about to turn left, I looked to the left-no cars- I looked to the right and as I was checking to see if there was any cars, I saw that Liliana's sleeve had risen and I could see hundreds upon hundreds of scars.

She noticed me staring and instantly threw her almost finished cigarette out the window, pulled her sleeve down and turned to look away from me.

I threw my finished cigarette out my window before I argued with myself.

I literally spent the whole night with her. And how did I not notice earlier? I'm so stupid. I didn't wanna upset her so I didn't say anything, I just continued to drive.

We had been sitting in silence for the last ten minutes. The radio had been turned off a while ago when it just went to static and neither of us had spoken.

"So.." I said trying to break the silence.


"What piercings you thinking of?"

"I don't know? Never had one before."

"Yeah. Kinda the whole reason we're going, I can pick if you want."


We pulled up to piercing and tattoo place, once I finished parking I told her that she could get out and I would be right behind her.

She just looked at me scared. I was confused.


"I'm going in alone?"

"Well yeah until I pay, but I can go in with you if you want to."

"Yes!.. I mean yes." She looked down. I pulled her face up to look at me.

"What are you so afraid of?" I whispered.

She closed her eyes and we sat there like that until she opened her eyes and whispered back "Everything."

Both our heads were leaning in I was about to kiss her when all of a sudden her phone started ringing.

Really? Just had to right then didn't it.

She pulled away from me and took her phone out her bag and looked at the screen. It looked as if she was struggling to read who was calling.

"It's Kouvr." I said and she nodded whilst answering.

(Liliana speaking into the phone.)

"Hey, Kouvr."

"Umm yeah Vinnie said it would be alright if we borrowed it."

"Uh huh, yeah okay... What?!"

There was a moment of silence after she shouted. She looked embarrassed.

"Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. Yep alright. Bye have fun. Yep love you byee."

(End of phone call)

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Yep everything's fine. Let's go in and you can pick what piercings I get." She smiled at me but I could tell it was fake.


We walked into the shop and I looked at the fake ears that had different styled piercings on them. I got a left and right ear and put them up to Anna's face and laughed.

"You look very nice with 2 sets of ears." I joked.

"Oh really? I thought I would look better with four." She giggled. It was cute.

"Okay probs best not to get them all done at the same time but next week once they don't hurt as much we'll get the rest done yeah?"

"Yeah alright, sounds good." She answered.

She looked around the shop a little until she came across some tattoo designs. She interrupted me talking to the guy that was gonna pierce her ears by shouting me over to look at something.

"Hey, Vinnie. Come look at this."

I walked over and the guy followed. She was looking at a red tattoo of a snake and a lotus flower.

The employee of the shop noticed and said: "you can get it done for free if your it's your first time."

"God, I would love too, but 1. Thomas would murder me, and 2. It looks painful." She answered whilst smiling a genuine smile.

"Well this Thomas guy wouldn't know if he couldn't see it. And like getting stabbed in the ear isn't going to hurt either." He laughed.

"I guess, but if I were to get a tattoo I would put it where everyone could see it."

"Alright, well let's pierce your ears."

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