Chapter numero nueve? (Nine)

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Liliana's POV

I was sat down at the skate park on a bench. I kept hearing my phone buzz in my pocket but I couldn't be bothered to look at it.

I had been trying to figure out what had happened in my room for how ever long I had been here. The sun had fully set and it was starting to get real cold so I knew it must be late but that didn't bother me.

I didn't notice that someone else was here until I heard the safety of a gun click behind my head.

I started to panic slightly, but not letting anything show, they'll think I'm weak and kill me on the spot. And uh no thanks.

I put my hands up slowly to show I was unarmed. The gun was pushed into the back my head roughly before the person spoke.

"Give me your wallet! And don't turn round!"

"I don't have one." I said calmly, where as on the inside I was now in full panic mode. Sirens, red flags everything going off at once.

"What?!.. Well give me all the stuff you have on you then." He shoved the gun into the back of my head again.

I pulled out my phone and put it on the ground beside the bench and took off my bracelet and placed it next to my phone. I felt a hot tear slide down my cheek doing so. She would be so ashamed of me right now.

I felt my breathing start to get even heavier, I couldn't control it, I was shaking. Why was this happening to me? Will I even get out of this alive?

"Is that all you got?!" He shouted sounding very agitated.

"Yes!" My voice broke and quivered when I spoke.

Everything was starting to blur together, I could feel my heart in my chest pumping faster than ever before, I felt dizzy, my whole body was vibrating and shaking. What was happening to me?

"What the fuck?" I heard him say

Robber's POV

I have no idea what she's doing right now but she won't stop shaking and she sounds like she can't breath, all I wanted was some extra cash, the guy said it wouldn't be that hard. Rob someone then sell the drugs. Easy, he said.

He never told me about this.

I couldn't look at her anymore it was starting to freak me out so I shouted at her to stop.

"Oi! Would you fucking stop that shit!"

Nothing. She started waving her arms about and holding into the seat of the bench. Is this girl high or summin?

"For fucks sake!" I bashed the gun round her head hard.

She fell to the floor, she was passed out. I took the opportunity to search her to see if she had anything else on her. I searched and what she said was true she didn't have a wallet.

I stood back up and when I looked down I realised she was bleeding. Shit.

There was a pool of blood starting to form around her head, it was coming out her nose but mostly out a wound I had caused when knocking her unconscious. I picked up her phone and bracelet. I wasn't too interested in the skateboard so I left it and ran.

Thomas's POV

"Guys I'm really starting to get worried now, do any of you know where she might've gone?"

No is all anyone said.  Nobody really knew Anna that well.

"Nikita what about you? Do you know where she might've gone?" I asked kinda panicked. 

"When she was living at the orphanage she would always go this skatepark but it's a good three hours from here and she's too lazy for that so I doubt she's there, is there anywhere anyone took her that she might've taken a liking to?"

"Yes! Vinnie." I ran to his bedroom.

⚠️(Self harm warning)⚠️ (very small tho, and very sorry if you feel uncomfortable or anything like that! <3)

I opened the door and ran in "Vinnie-" I saw him with a blade that had to have been taken out of a razor and he was cutting himself. I looked at his face. He was crying.

"It's all my fault." He said dropping the blade onto the floor.

"What's all your fault Vinn?"

"If I hadn't of kissed her and confronted her about stuff she wouldn't have run off, and now she's missing and none of us know where she is, and what if we can't find her?! What if she's dead?! What if she's been kidnapped?! AND ITS ALL MY FUCKING FAULT!" He word vomited.

I rushed over to him and wrapped him into a hug. I knew about his past (hurting himself) his scars were mostly covered by his tattoos but only a couple were still visible but now there's going to be a lot more. I feel sorry for him. He's like a brother to me.

As he sobs into my chest I reassure him that's it isn't his fault. "Look Vinnie. I'm sure she's just wondered off somewhere to think, I doubt anything bad has happened and she's very stubborn and a bit of a bitch so I doubt she'll let anyone go near her unless there's a reason.... But Vinnie, if you have any idea where she could've gone... Like did you guys go anywhere after you took her to the piercing place?"

Vinnie's head shot up and his eyes widened.

"God!" He face palmed his forehead. "How could I be so stupid. We went to the skate park afterwards, and she said she really liked it there, and knew she would go back soon. She said that I wouldn't even have to take her either cause she could memorise the way on the drive back to house whilst we there!"

He went to rush to the door but before he could I grabbed his upper arm.

AN: U know the bit just before the shoulder and has muscle on it, I mean it obviously has muscle but do u get what I mean coz I forgot what it's called..... anyways back to the story!

"Fuck!" He shouted in pain.

"Oh, shit yeah, sorry. And also before you go anywhere we're going to clean this up and we're also not gonna ignore the fact that you kissed my daughter and didn't tell me."

I smiled at him  and he smiled at me back. I led him into his bathroom to get cleaned up and gave him a different shirt with longer sleeves before telling him to sit down so we could have a chat.

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