Chapter 12.

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Thomas's POV
*2 days later*

Me and Mia decided that we should go and visit Liliana in the hospital to see if she had gotten any better.

"Hey Thomas.," Mia began with a questioning look on her face.


"Did Vinnie ever come home from the other night?" She asked.

I hadn't thought about it. But now that I was I realised he hadn't.

"No, I hope he's alright though, he probably just stayed at the hospital with Anna."


As we driving to the hospital I got a call from an unknown number. I answered and it connected to the speakers in the car.

*On the phone:*

Me: Hello? Who is this?

?: Hi is this Thomas Petrou?

Me: Speaking.

?: Alright I'm Miss Avery I work on the desk at the floor your daughter was being treated on and we would just like to inform you that she's doing well and the doctor says she should be able to get discharged later on this evening or tomorrow morning depending on her state.

Me: Oh well that's wonderful then.

Miss Avery: Yes, but there are some other important thing the doctor would like to talk to you about in person.

Me: Well I'm on my way there right now so can you tell him that I'll see him in twenty minutes.

Miss Avery: Of course, see you soon sir.

*end of call*

Mia smiled and looked at me. "We'll that's good news then isn't it. She must've woken up while we were at home."

"Yeah, I can't wait to see her."

Liliana's POV

"Mama! Papa! Het! отстань от меня!" I screamed as I struggled against the fireman's grip.

*Yes... I used google translate.. yes I know it can be shitty I'm sorryyyy, don't hate on me*

"English., please." He pleaded out of breath slightly whilst I still struggled against him.


"Miss I can't do that, the buildings on fire. Your family's dead."

I stopped struggling against his grip and fell to my knees screaming and crying. I looked over to where I saw my sister being rolled away on a stretcher. She was still alive.

I got up and ran to her, but as I got closer I saw her body go limp and her arm dropped from her side hanging over the side of the stretcher.

I pushed the paramedic out the way and hugged her to my chest. There was no response from her. My body rocked with my sobs as I kept holding onto her tightly. As someone tried pulling me away I continued to hold on. I quickly took the bracelet off of her wrist before they yanked me away. Never to see my близнец again. (*twin*). My родственная душа gone. (*soulmate*).

As the house was about to collapse in on itself I walked closer towards it until I was under the porch. I walked through the door when..

*end of dream*

I immediately jolted awake. Holy shit. That one felt really real that time. I closed my eyes again and took some deep breaths.

"Are you awake?"

"Huh?" I opened my eyes to see Vinnie sat in a chair near my bed. He looked like he hadn't rested in days.

"I can't believe your awake! I'm going to tel someone stay there."

Well it's not like I could go anywhere my legs felt a bit numb and I just knew that if I tried to get up I would instantly go dizzy. And no thanks, I'm alright.

"Hey so someone will be coming along soon to check up on you and then they'll ring Thomas afterwards and see if your ready to go home or not."

"Okay cool." I yawned out. I heard him snort at my response. I looked at him and gave him a hard stare.

"Just cause I've been in the hospital for a little while does not mean that when I get out I'm not gonna beat you up for getting me in trouble with Thomas."

There was silence until we both started laughing. Once we had both calmed down a bit Vinnie looked me seriously.

"Hey... what were you dreaming about before you woke up? You were sleep talking but it sounded like a completely different language you had a funny accent and everything."

"Oh it was nothing and I was probably speaking Russian. My grandparents were Russian and my mother was adopted, they taught her Russian and she taught me and my sister Russian. Never tried on dad though he just never understood."

I laughed to myself slightly. Vinnie raised an eyebrow as to ask what I was finding funny.

"Must run in the family. My mum was adopted and so was I. Although, she was adopted at birth not 16."

*hey can't actually remember if she's 16 or 17 can someone let me know I cba to go back and check. Love u <3*

"Huh." He said as if he was thinking to himself.

"Right if the doctor isn't here in 2 minutes I'm going back to sleep."

He just smiled and shook his head before going to sit back down on the chair and checking his phone.

Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now