Chapter 14

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Liliana's POV

I woke up to a knock at my door. I must've fallen asleep when I was watching the movie.

I got up slowly feeling the grogginess inside of me as I walked to the door. I opened it to see the boy who I called a hunchback with chopsticks for arms.

I rubbed the sleep away from my eye as I yawned.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I spoke bluntly.

"So I wanted to apologise for saying u look like shit earlier probably wasn't the nicest thing to say and I wondered if you wanted to start fresh?" It was like he just word vomited all over me.

"Okay." I know he was apologising but I just woke up it's gonna take me a minute to respond with something.

"Sure I guess, what's your name anyway?" I asked because the awkward silence just kept growing and I was getting sick of it.

"Oh., it's Ryland." He waved and smiled.

When he waved I saw a disposable vape in his hand.  I lifted my eyebrow at him. "You smoke? You look like your 17."

"Yeah I do and I'm not trust me I'm 20."

"Ahhh okay then."

*yes I know the legal age of drinking in America is 21 but we're just gonna pretend it's 18 cause yeh, respectfully get over it. <3*

"Are you gonna come downstairs soon?"

"Sure lemme just sort myself out and then I'll come down. You can help me find a nice outfit if you want?"

"Yeah alright."

I open the door wider and let him in, I leave the door open because I don't want people to get the wrong idea when the walk past and hear us talking... the girls that get it, get it.. the girls that don't, don't.

I tell him I'm just gonna go to the toilet, and when I come back he's sitting at my vanity holding something.

"What is this?" He asks me holding up an eyelash curler.

I laugh before I answer him. "It's and eyelash curler, here lemme show you."

"And that doesn't hurt? It looks like some kind of torturous contraption to rip out your eyelashes." He looks at me in disbelief and I just start laughing, and then he's laughing.

He keeps holding things up and making comments and all we can do is laugh until someone walks past and interrupts.

Vinnie's POV

I was going to go and check up on Ana but when I got to her room I already hear her laughing with someone else.

I look through the door way and see Ryland and her non stop laughing, a weird feeling crept up inside of me, I couldn't tell what it was.

I coughed to interrupt them.

"Hey Ryland can I speak to you real quick?"

"Uh yeah sure man."

As we're about to leave I can see Liliana looking at me, not looking staring. As if she's trying to figure something out, but as soon as Ryland has both feet out of her room she shuts the door.

"Soo, what did you wanna speak about?"

"Do you like Liliana?"

"I think she's cool, why?"

"No but do you like, like her?"

"Considering I just met her like an hour ago I would say no but yeah she's pretty's I guess.. wait do you like her or summin bro?" He must've seen the anger on my face which I quickly changed to calm.

"What? No ofcourse not, why would you say that?" I try and play it off cool but it's obvious that I'm a shit liar.

" just tell her how you feel man, don't wait too long because all opportunities have a shelf life and by the look of her at the moment I would say she's nearing the end unless something good happens., just be there for her and tell how you feel. Also I mean look at you, why wouldn't she like you bro, like your the Vincent Hacker."

"But Ryland.. I have like ZERO game, and thanks bro."

"Don't worry about now go int here and tell her how you feel and stop being a pussy about it bro."

"Okay, here goes nothing."

I go to open the door and when I do I see Liliana in the middle of getting changed.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!"

"Close the fucking door!" She screamed before I pulled the door shut.

"Oh and Vinnie I would knock next time." Ryland says to to me patting my shoulder before walking towards the stairs and leaving me to stand outside of her door by myself.

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