Chapter 13

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"Here we are, home." Thomas said as he parked in the garage.

As I started to get out the car Thomas began to speak again stopping me in my tracks.

"By the way some of the people from Chase's house are over because we'll be getting some new arrivals soon, and I want you to meet the rest of the hype house." 

"What do you mean rest of?" I asked confused.

"We'll the people at chases house are still apart to the hype house but I also wanted you to meet some of the original members."

"Oh okay cool but first I'm go inside and shower and like sort myself out because I look like a state oh and I also have to thank Vinnie for being there for me."

"Okay, be careful."

"Doing what walking up the stairs?" I said sarcastically and we both laughed before heading into the house.

Before I could even touch the front door somebody had opened with the intention of going outside but they had their head turned, as if to be listening to someone.

"Umm, excuse me." I said trying to make the boy move out of the way.

"Oh sorry.. god you look like shit."

"Yeah we'll at least I don't look like a hunchback witch chopsticks for arms." I said before walking past him and up the stairs.

Thomas's POV

"Sorry about that Ryland, but she's had a rough week, as you so kindly pointed out to her." I half apologised and half told him off.

"Who is she?"

"She's my daughter I adopted her a couple of weeks ago. She's still adjusting, quite feisty and she can also be a little shit but I do think I love her."

"Good for you man."

"Hey what was you gonna do before.. that." I asked.

"Oh I was just gonna have a quick smoke."

"And lemme guess you still drink as well."

"Oh my god Thomas how did you know?" He said sarcastically and putting on a shocked face. "Nah man for real though it's good seeing you and I don't drink as much as I used to I promise." He justified.

We were now walking through the house and into the living room, where we sat down onto one of the sofas in there.

"Hey Thomas, do you think maybe I could move back into this house, don't get me wrong I love Chase but I just don't think he's really with us anymore, and I'll give a full and hearted apology to Mia about what happened and everything like I'll try to be good man..; but if not then I completely understand."

"I'll have a think about it whilst your here, oh and quick question how long are you here for at the moment?"

"Only for a couple of days, if that's alright?"

"Yeah it's fine you can even pick whatever room you want to stay in because we have a bunch of spares."

"Thanks bro, really it means a lot."

"No problem."

We stand up and dub it out before he walks away probably to hang with Vinnie.

I started to walk to mine and Mia's room. Hopefully she was in there so I could talk to her about Ryland.

Liliana's POV

After I had showered I blow dried my hair and got changed into:

After I had showered I blow dried my hair and got changed into:

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Before doing my makeup to make me look less dead. I went to find Thomas to ask him if I had to do anything in particular today apart from meeting people later, but he said no so I just went to my room and watched a movie on Netflix.

Author note: hey sorry for the short chapter didn't really know what to write but yeah. Hope your enjoying it so far. <3

Life as Thomas Petrou's adoptive daughter. (Hype house) Where stories live. Discover now