Chapter 5: Come along with us.

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 The car pulled into the driveway and we got out. Putting his arm around my shoulders, we walked into the house. "So what did you want to talk about?" We walked into the music room and we sat across from each other in some chairs.

 "I have an early birthday present for you" he reached behind the chair and pulled out a ukulele case. It was dark red with my name in black printed largely on it. "Sydney Urie". Thinking that still gives me chills.

 "Oh my god! I've been saving up for one of these! Thank you Brendon!" He smiled and looked me in the eyes.

 "I thought that you would probably need it since you're gonna be traveling a lot over the next couple of months." He said smiling. My mouth dropped open.

 "What!? I'm going with you guys?!" He nodded, laughing. I jumped up and hugged him. "Wait. What about school? Homework?"

 "I was gonna go in and talk to your teachers about taking the homework with you. I'll just tell them the truth. "Plus you will come back after 3 months so you will be back for the end of school." I squeal and jumped around.

 "Oh my god thank you thank you thank you!" I said. He laughed.

 "You better head up to bed. School tomorrow and a band meeting. If you're gonna tour with us, you need to come." I hugged him and headed up stairs.


 I've decided that it would be a good idea to tell Karen about Brendon. Hopefully, she won't freak out. She noticed me staring into space. "Syd? You okay?" I nodded. Then I looked her in the eyes

 "I need to talk to you about something." I looked around. "Not here." We grabbed our lunches and walked outside. We sat under a tree away from everyone.

 "Ok, so what's so important." She chuckles. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my back up against the trees. Then stared her in the eyes.

 "Please don't freak out." She nodded. "Um, this is gonna sound really weird and you're probably not going to believe me." She gave me a 'just-tell-me' look. "The whole reason I transferred to this school is that I was adopted by someone. Brendon Urie adopted me." She laughed.

 "No, he's not. Now really, what did you want to tell me." She chuckles.

 I grabbed my phone from my pocket and went through my contacts until I got to 'Brendon'. I pressed send and put it on speaker. She looked down at my phone. Brendon picked up. "Hey, Syd." Karen's jaw dropped. "What's up, do you need something." I smiled at her reaction.

 "Just called to ask if you asked Dallon or Kenny about the tour and me." Karen let out a small squeak.

 "No, I'm sure they will be fine with it though. By the way, we're leaving in 2 weeks so if you wanna get your clothes together, you should probably start soon just so you can be ready. I gotta go, one of the guys is calling. Love ya" He says.

 "Love you too." I said and hung up the phone. "I told you Karen!" I laughed. She still looked really surprised.

 "So that's why you are so talented." She said, still staring into space.

 "No, as I said he adopted me. I'm just talented" I said smiling.

 "Oh my god my best friend is a Urie!" She said very loudly. I covered her mouth. Now people were staring.

 "Shut up!" The bell rang and we started walking to class. Karen was freaking out.


 "Karen you can't tell anyone. I'm going on tour so they will find out eventually." I said. "And when Brendon pulls up. Act normal." She nodded.

 Suddenly his black truck pulled up. I waved to her and walked to the car. I opened the door and jumped in. Brendon made a weird face at me. He plugged his phone into the iPhone jack. Bohemian Rhapsody started playing. He started screaming the lyrics. "MAMA JUST KILLED A MAN. PUT A GUN AGAINST HIS HEAD. PULLED MY TRIGGER NOW HE'S DEAD." He screamed loudly. Karen gave me a weird look. We drove away.

 We took turns singing parts until we got to his favorite part. We sang it together. "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN STONE ME AND SPIT IN MY EYE!" Brendon punched the air. "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN LOVE ME AND LEAVE ME TO DIE. OHHHHHHH BABY, CAN'T DO THIS TO ME BABY." We looked at each other and screamed even louder. "JUST GOTTA GET OUT, JUST GOTTS GET RIGHT OUT OF HERE." We sang until we arrived at the studio. We walked in laughing.

 "Hey guys. We need to talk about something." Kenneth and Dallon set down their guitars and walked over. I made eye contact with Dan. He wasn't at the last meeting. He gave me a weird look.

 "Who's she?" he said looking over at Brendon. Kenny started laughing.

 "My daughter." Brendon said.

 "Oh," Dan said. Then it hit him. "Daughter?!" Brendon explained me to him. "You were lonely so you adopted a teenager." Brendon made a weird face.

 "Dude, it sounds weird when you say it that way." He looked at me and smiled. "We wanna talk to you guys about something." I walked over to one of the chairs and sat my backpack on it. Then I walked over to Brendon. He draped his arm around my neck. "Ok so I was thinking Sydney could come with us on tour." The guys smiled.

 "Why not. She's extremely talented. Plus she's your daughter." Dallon said. "She plays more instruments than you Brendon." Brendon laughed a little.

 "Shut up asshole." They walked over to the table and started planning the tour some more. I walked over to them. Brendon handed me a list of places. "Ok Syd, these are all the places we are going." I smiled down at the little note. "You and I are going to have a great time." He said. I nodded.

 I walked over to my backpack and got my phone out. I took a picture of the list and sent it to Jamie. Minutes after she replied. This was our conversation:

Jamie: Hey sweetie! What's that?
Me: you are never gonna believe me. 
Jamie: just tell me Syd!
Me: ok so you know who my new dad is? Brendon Urie.
Jamie: who's that?
Me: Take a minute to look him up.
*Three minutes later*
Me: And that list is their tour dates/places. And I'm going with the most.
Jamie: you're kidding me!
Me: Nope! Well, I got to go, Brendon is cooling me over.
Jamie: ok I love you! Stay safe! Stay close to Brendon! Stay on the tour bus! Take enough clothes! Oh and always remember to call!
Me: haha ok bye! Say hi to the girls for me!

 I walked over to Brendon. He was pointing at a few dates. "These days, you should do covers on stage with us." I squealed. This is happening! Brendon smiled and hugged me. This is gonna be the best summer ever.

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