Just Date My Sister

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Caitlyn sat by Vi as Jinx sipped her drink. She wanted to have a talk with them. For once nothing was hostile or intense, they had agreed to a time and place and both parties showed up.

"So. This thing you two have," the blue haired girl started.

"Yes?" Caitlyn felt anxiety set in. She was anxious about how this would go.

Jinx took a deep breath. "Date my sister."

"What?" Caitlyn sat there hopelessly confused. No, there's no way she heard that. That couldn't have come out right could it? Then she sat there and mentally processed it.

"Huh?" Even Vi looked confused.

"No one else. Just date my sister. I'll make her your wife if you want." Jinx stated.

Caitlyn's head was spinning. Jinx, the same woman that hated her and tried to do countless other things...wanted them to be together?

"I'm lost," Vi stated.

Jinx facepalmed. "Look Blue, just date my sister."

"My name is Caitlyn." The Kiramman woman said, somewhat afraid of correcting the girl who was holding her infamous Fishbones weapon, but did it anyway.

"Your hair's blue. So I'm calling you Blue. Also, yes I want you to date Vi. Get married, have kids or whatever I don't care." Jinx said.

Caitlyn almost spat out her drink. She wants us to get married and have kids!?

"Huh?" Vi's voice audibly cracked.

"What?" Jinx tipped her head in puppy-like confusion.

"We can't have...I mean we're...we both don't have a..." Caitlyn tried explaining it to the ground girl without being awkward about it.

"I mean with all this Hextech stuff going around like food at Jericho's you'd think they'd figure this kid thing out," Jinx mumbled gesturing to the couple while sipping her beverage.

"Well, she does have a point...." Vi commented randomly.

Caitlyn blushed at that. "I cannot believe we are actually having this conversation..." she rubbed her temples.

"You don't want kids with me Cupcake?" Vi looked at her.

Caitlyn's heart melted at the question. "I-I never said that," she liked Vi. Hell she loved her even. They enjoyed each other's company in many ways. They worked side by side. She loved everything like her personality, her face, her brawler fighting style...everything...

"Then date each other or something." Jinx said with a snap of her fingers and went right back to sipping her drink.

Caitlyn and Vi looked at each other then back at Jinx then back at each other again.

"Well that's one way for me to know I have her blessing to officially be with you," the Kiramman woman said to Vi with a sheepish grin.

Vi smiled and gave Caitlyn a loving kiss. "You're cute Cupcake."

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