A New Meaning To Date Night

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Modern AU

Vi scrolled through her phone and furrowed her brows. "What the fuck?!" She exclaimed.

Caitlyn walked past her with their basket of laundry in the direction of the wash room. "What's wrong love?" She asked, raising her brow as she put a load of clothes into the washing machine.

Vi walked over to her girlfriend. "The news said that it'd be sunny. But my phone says its raining and those reservations are fucking cancelled."

"What?" Caitlyn dropped a bra she was holding on the floor and stared at the pinkette's phone that was showing the current weather report; high percentage of rain. "These damn weather reporters..."

Vi groaned. "Well now what?" She mumbled, visibly bummed by the fact their date plans were officially a bust.

Caitlyn suddenly had a thoughtful look on their face. "Maybe we could do date night differently."

The pinkette's blue eyes landed on her. "Huh?"

"I mean, just because it's raining out there, doesn't mean we don't have food here to eat. We bought that frozen pizza not long ago remember? We could eat that and watch a movie here. That's what we planned to do anyway." Caitlyn reminded her.

And that was true. Their original plan was to get ready, head to the fancy restaurant, watch a movie and come home.

"Cupcake makes a good point. Still pissed about those weather bastards lying to us though." Vi mumbled.

The blue haired woman gave her a kiss on the lips. "Me too. How about we do this laundry and then put that pizza in the oven?"

"Sure. We doing colors instead of towels first today?" Vi asked as she walked into the washroom and put a pair of shorts and a shirt in the washer.

"Figured we had enough towels. And the basket started to smell bad." Caitlyn pointed out.

"Well we do go to the gym a lot." Vi reminded her.

Caitlyn nodded her head. "Pass me the detergent?" She pointed behind her and put the last few pieces of clothes in the machine.

Vi gave her the bottle. "I'm gonna go ahead and see how long the pizza should take." She said as she walked away.

As the blue haired woman did all the essentials for the clothes, she closed the lid and turned it on. "I'm getting my shower in a bit!" Caitlyn called as she walked with the now empty basket.

"Alright!" Vi called back.

Some time later...

As Vi turned the shower off, she got out and began to dry herself. "The pizza ready yet?!" She called out to Caitlyn.

"Almost in exactly a minute!" Her girlfriend replied.

The pinkette dried her hair next. So far today had been good. They made chores less boring and they were gonna have pizza and a movie.

When she finished drying herself off, she got dressed and walked into their bedroom. "You need help?!"

"Is the pizza cutter in the first or second drawer?!" Caitlyn yelled back.

"Second where we keep the utensils!" The woman responded.

"Got it!" Caitlyn shouted.

Vi walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to see Caitlyn with the ready pizza on the tray with oven-mitts on her hands. "Wow, those mitts were a good idea. You're not cringing like you normally do when you take stuff out the oven."

"That's because we had those old one dollar oven mitts and I never got over that one time I burned my fingers. Quality mitts my ass..." Caitlyn mumbled as she placed the tray with the pizza down. "Anywho, you found a movie yet?"

"I found a few, because not a lot of stuff looked good. But like, none of it was bad in the sense that it was like throw it in the trash bad." Vi shrugged.

"It's not a Hallmark movie is it?" Caitlyn asked as she began to cut the fresh meatlovers pizza as carefully as possible without burning her fingertips.

"Ew no," Vi replied as she got some paper plates that were by the paper towel roll. "I like bad cringey movies but not those kinds of bad movies. That's just a bunch of corny romance films."

The blue haired woman nodded in agreement and looked at her. "How many pieces do you want?"

"Three." Vi replied with a smile and brought a paper plate close to her girlfriend so she could place the pieces on it.

When she got her three slices, Caitlyn gave herself three as well. "We got something to drink in the room right?"

"Yeah." Vi nodded as she walked towards their room with her pieces of pizza.

When the two got themselves situated, Vi found themselves a movie to watch and the two laid together.

"I heard this specific movie is bad." Caitlyn stated.

"So that means date night just got a lot more interesting," Vi chuckled as she ate a piece of pizza and watched the movie play.

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