A Bit Of Assisstance and Kissing

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Vi watched Caitlyn as she got her dress ready. While the pinkette looked at her attire in the long mirror. Apparently Councilor Medarda invited them to some dinner that would just be them with her for some reason. She wasn't particularly fond of Piltover events, but Caitlyn being there would make it tolerable.

"Ugh, Vi can you help me with this?" Caitlyn asked.

The woman looked over and saw the blue haired woman's hands behind her back struggling with a necklace.

"Alright," she said as she watched Caitlyn hold her hair for her to make the process easier.

Unclipping the clasp, she put it through the ring and soon the necklace was on. Then, as if something deep inside was urging her, she placed a small kiss on her neck.

"Uh, Vi? Is it on?" The woman sounded hopelessly confused.

Vi nodded and gave her neck another gentle kiss. "Yeah. Yeah it's on."

"So why are you kissing me?" Caitlyn wondered.

"What, I can't put my lips on my Cupcake?" Vi smirked as she kissed her neck again, moving down until she stopped at her collarbone.

"Vi please, we have to get to Councilor Medarda's—" Caitlyn was soon interrupted when she was kissed once more.

"Fuck the council. Besides we got an entire hour before that fancy dinner." Vi grinned as she moved her hands up and down her waist. "We can kill a bit of time right?"

"Vi...not there..." Caitlyn breathed out.

The pink haired Zaunite chuckled. "It's alright Cupcake, just relax..." she soothed as she placed kiss after kiss.

"Damn you..." the blue haired woman sighed out at last. "Your methods of persuasion are flawless, no doubt about that."

Vi smiled at that, turned Cait around and pecked her right on the lips. "That's for when when we get back home though."

Caitlyn blinked dumbfounded. "I...you just...! You tricked me!"

Vi laughed as she watched her face go through several phases before stopping at an angered pout. "Whoops. But seriously, I just couldn't resist. Now we going to that dinner or what?"

Caitlyn couldn't stay mad; that smile and those eyes. "We're finishing what you started as soon as we get home," she insisted in a whisper and kissed her right on the lips and walked out of their bedroom.

Vi followed not that far behind, her face brightening and beaming all at the exact same time.

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