What I Love

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Vi laid in the bed with Caitlyn. It was quiet. Some relaxation at last, though she couldn't help but be on high alert sometimes. At times she hated too much quiet. Her eyes on occasion looked around the room.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes?" Caitlyn asked suddenly.

The compliment within the question caused the pinkette to blush. "You do?"

"Indeed I do," Caitlyn said, a smile on her face as they held eye contact. "You have no idea how much I lose myself in your eyes."

Vi was surprised. She felt an emotion that her mind couldn't place. "They're just my eyes though."

The blue haired Ionian gave her a kiss, cupping her face. "But they're your eyes." One of her hands then moved to delicately stroke the small scar on the corner of her lip. "I love your scars, your freckles." Her eyes glanced at the freckles that painted Vi's face. "The way your nose crinkles when you make that angry face, the way your eyes soften when you look at me..."

"Really?" Vi's hand began to follow Caitlyn's, now they held hands.

"Yes." The woman looked so in love.

The expression alone left Vi speechless. "But why me? I'm just another trencher. I could be thrown back in Stillwater at any minute..."

At that instance, she saw Caitlyn's face go from loving to confused and even slightly worried. "What? What do you mean?" She asked, her hands suddenly holding on just a bit tightly.

Now she regretted saying that. With a sigh, she said, "Pretty Boy. The shitty bastard with a big hammer said some stuff to me about being thrown back for no reason. No biggie." It was though. Then again, he walked around like the king of Piltover with the rest of that council. With his damn hammer...

"How dare he speak to you like that? After how much we went through. What you went through. The fucking idiot I'll..." Caitlyn's voice shook as she furrowed her brows and narrowed her eyes, possibly thinking of many ways to kill him for what he said to her.

Taking a moment to change the subject and calm down her girlfriend, Vi suddenly took the blue haired woman and pulled her onto her lap. "I ever tell you how cute you sound when you say fuck?"

Caitlyn's fury seemed to subside. "You're so sweet." She let a small grin begin to form.

"You're sweeter though. Like a cupcake," the pinkette's blue eyes shone for a moment. Then they grew mischievous. "The best part is you're my cupcake."

"That I am." Caitlyn said, a blush tinting her cheeks as Vi kissed her neck.

"I fucking love you." Vi mumbled. "Your hair, your face, your voice." She placed kiss after kiss between her compliments.

The blue haired woman chuckled lightly to herself. She adored Vi's displays of affection. She adored so much about her really. Her personality, her big heart, her fighting spirit...

"What else?" Caitlyn asked, curious to see where this would go.

Vi looked up deep into her eyes. "The way you stare at that clusterfuck of files and string on the floor when you work on a case. How intense you get when you explain any details. The way you roll your eyes when you get annoyed," she felt Caitlyn begin to melt into her. "The way you get excited by something. The way your eyes light up when you look at me. Tell me you love me."

Caitlyn smiled as she held onto her. "We're gonna wake up late in the morning aren't we?" She hummed sweetly.

"Damn right we are." Vi responded as they looked at each other and kissed deeply.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I trust you. I love you so much." Caitlyn said when the kiss was broken.

"I love you too." Vi grinned as they laid back down in the bed under the covers, warmed and loved by each other.

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