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   Disclaimer : [ I do not support what my characters are saying. These are their words and beliefs, not mine. I do not encourage bullying and violence. ]

Warning :
𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨

    Do you know that feeling  when someone teases you to a guy whose 6 inches shorter than you? No? Then good for you. I just so happens to hit the jackpot and have the (mis)fortune to meet the devil's spawn we must not name. Legend dictates that if you mention his name three times, he'll shrink a centimeter short.

      Everyone always say that we're like a middle-aged couple who bickers over miniscule details and they deem it as cute.  Some say that he's just teasing me because he likes me.

       But none of those are true. You'd have to blind me or punch me out with five shots of the strongest beer to be able to even stand him. I'd rather blink to tears as  I endure a one hour bus ride with the smelliest person whose odor has an odor too.

     Why? Because my dear friends, I DESPISE HIM. Probably not as much as how the Joker wants to bring destruction to the world--but still. Can't a girl just dream of having her mortal enemy squished into a lab rat?

       Cue  my dramatic monologue.

        I am the cat, he is the dog. I'm the boy, he's the girl. I'm the tall one and he's the short one. In this cruel planet I call Earth, he just had to exist---to my inconvenience. Now I'm stuck with him. Not literally you ninny. So these people just thought, "Hey, you two look funny together, so why don't you two be paired together like abnormalities in this world."

   The thought of him and me together makes me wanna hurl back the cereal I ate this morning--that and the Snickers bar I snatched.

      "I wasn't informed that the school started taking animals  in," he murmurs, taking the seat beside me and eyeing me intently with a mischievous glint. "--I know a bit of animal language. Oo.aa."
    I snicker, darting him a glare. "I didn't know elementary students were on a field trip today. Did you lose your mom, kid?"

     "Good morning to you too," he smirks. "--don't open your mouth though. It's not for the faint hearted."

      Meet Liam Evans, the shortest guy in the class--much better known as the midget I abhor. I would've said something quirky in addition, but the description says to make it short.

        And I am Lana Milicent, the tallest girl in class.  And combined with him, we're the first year's Comedy Duo. Don't be fooled with that title. I didn't come here to be a clown, just raw hatred for him.
   "Aw, chin up," he remarks with amusement, placing a hand under his chin. "--whichever chin you like. The first one, or the second one."

     "Har, har," I roll my eyes, pursing my lips even further as I resist the urge to throttle his neck. "--did your mommy taught you those jokes?"

         He shrugs, brushing off my last statement. "Come on, it's the first day of school. You should be happy I'm here."

      I clicked my tongue, grabbing my stress ball from my backpack as I gave it a vehement squeeze, imagining that this was his neck. "Why am I always stuck with you?"

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