Chapter Four - Plucking Up The Courage

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Chapter Four - Plucking Up The Courage

Have you ever liked a guy so much that you're asking for advice from your mortal enemy? No again? Well it's complicated. To make it short---ha! Short. Yeah because that is totally funny and a grown woman like me shouldn't laugh at jokes like that but anyways---

"How should I talk to him, Evans?!" I cling unto his sleeves with desperation, so much that I might accidentally rip it. The thought of it seemed funny to me, but I resist the urge to chuckle.

He slaps my hand off and gives me a glare. "With your mouth duh. You're such a loudmouth and when it comes to this you're mum."

"I know that, dumbass," I narrowed my eyes at him, folding my arms. "---help me out will you? I swear what's your purpose if you're not helping me?"

"Fine! Fine!" he threw his arms up in the air, giving in to my trantums.

"When you see him in the hall, drop your stuff near his feet--even better if you stub his toe and when he helps you pick it up--if you could just stop ogling him, then ask him out on the date."

"--If he declines, we'll just have to abduct him and brainwash him into falling in love with a beast like you---ow!"

"Take this seriously will you?" I dart a glare at him. "--you're reading too much fanfiction it disturbs me."

I clutch to his wrist, locking it tightly. "You agreed on helping me, didn't you? You have to stick with me until you give me a happy ending."

"But don't witches get burned in the en---ow! Stop it! Child abuse!"

"Hey! You're older than me you know!" I scream, removing my hand from his bare skin, seeing one spot turn red.

"Milicent," he looks at me straight in the eye with a deadpanned expression. "There's no way in hell he'd ever like you. You don't look like a girl and you also don't act like one."

I roll my eyes, ignoring his remark. "Well Margot will never like someone as short as you. She'll only ever see you as a little brother, nothing else."

"I hate your guts, Godzilla," he declares at me with a dirty look.

I match with him and poke his chest. "The feeling is mutual, pipsqueak."

"Oh look. It's the famous duo," Janna says with a sly smile and stands in between us. "As much as you both want to kiss each other, Lana needs to attend to something."

"--What?!" Evans gazes at Janna with profound disgust like he was told to kiss someone's fungi infested foot. I'm quite offended actually.

"I'm not that bad, Evans--look at yourself too! Hotshot. Ha!"

"Now, now," Janna calms us both, getting in between us and looks at me. "---Mr. Hansei needs you at the teacher's lounge."

"What for?" I gave her a look and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Dunno. That's why you should go."

"Ugh. Why is it always me?" I murmur with dread, begrudgingly dragging my feet across the room.

Mr. Hansei belongs to my hitlist. Maybe that's an exaggeration, but I don't particularly like him. He's basically the reason why I'm on a comedy duo with that guy. I don't forgive and I also don't forget. I'll forever blame him for ruining my high-school romance.

Whatever he is calling me for, doesn't feel like a good thing. I'm keeping my guard up unless he does something suspicious.

"I want you and Evans to sing for the upcoming festival in this school," Mr. Hansei looks at me with no doubt or worry in his face and I can't help but twitch my eyes in anger. Is this a prank? Are there hidden cameras somewhere?

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