Chapter Seven - The Shrimp Becomes A Man

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Chapter Seven – The Shrimp Becomes A Man


I flinch when I hear his aggravated tone from not far away, and if voices could kill, I would've been reduced to ashes. I brace myself, preparing for the argument that's coming up.

"Yes?" I flatter my eyes to piss him off. He shoves the paper straight into my face and I yank it away to see his flaring nose and wide eyes.

"What is this?"

"Ah, oh that," I chuckle nervously, scratching my scalp. "-oh my what's that? We're going to sing? That's stupid. Who would've decided that?"

"Don't play dumb, stupid," he glared at me. "—are you really that masochist to want to humiliate yourself in front of everyone?"

"This wasn't my fault either!" I argue back, furrowing my brows, trying to shift the blame to somebody else. "—it's that bald man who decided it. He tempted me so I couldn't refuse!"

"With what? His body?!"

"Ew! That is so disgusting, Evans!"

Just thinking of Mr. Hansei that way fuels my nightmares. I shiver. "He tempted me with extra credit in Math."

"Because you're stupid," he flicked his finger at the temple of my head.

"Why are you talking as if you're not stupid yourself?!" I stood up and looked down at him considering his height.

He pokes a finger at my chest in retaliation and I scream. "You poked my nipple!"

"I did not! Stop making false claims!" he denied, turning flustered as his tone went a pitch higher.

He glares at me for a few seconds before disheveling his hair with his hands, pulling a few strands in the process. I guess he wants to be bald like Mr. Hansei then. "You are a piece of work, you know that? What are you gonna do? Sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star?"

"Don't fret about the details, Evans," I try to soothe his temper, massaging his stiff shoulders. "---it will all work out. Just trust me."

"The fact that it's you raises alarm bells to me," he snickered. "---you're the most unrealiable—"

"Shh," I place my hand on his lips, silencing him. I taunted. "You keep quiet or I'll silence you up myself, okay?"

"There, there. Then that's final. I'll find a way, Evans."

. . .

After a couple of days of bickering and getting into each other's nerves, we finally decided on a song to sing at the foundation day. Truth be told, I had never sung in public—let alone in front of my parents, so the thought was enough to let my knees tremble.

At the same time, our class decided to hold a play as part of the performances lined up for the event. The only problem was.. that it was a gender-swapped rendition of Beauty and the Beast.

Guess who got the part?

Me and the pipsqueak. Yay.

"Why do I have to wear this?" I turned my head to find the source, only to burst out laughing when I see Evans in his low-quality version gown of Belle, the sleeves of his dress slipping and his face full of makeup from his eyebrows to his lips.

"You're so pretty Evans," I teased, leaning closer to inspect him.

"Shut up mongrel," he hissed as he clutched on the hem of his gown, revealing his hairy legs. "—we're becoming more of a circus act every day."

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