Chapter Five - Janna The Love Guru

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Chapter Five – Janna, The Love Guru

"Good morning, Liam," I chirp at him with the biggest smile I could ever muster, and I immediately see his face turn mortified like he saw his mother kissing his father too proactively.

He scoots himself far from me like I had contacted a virus—which is quite an over exaggeration, but I could kind of get why. I'd be creeped out too if Evans suddenly became kind like he only had a day to live.

Just then Janna appears like the ninja she is and Evans points at me. "W-what happened to her?! Why is she calling me Liam and why is she so damn happy? She's scaring me, Janna!"

Janna chuckles. "Well, she's got the love bug."

Evans tilts his head in confusion. "The love bug? What's that?"

"Is that some seasonal bug you get in the summer or what?"

Janna clears her throat like she's a professor speaking to a dummy. "It's like when you're in love you can't help but see the world in sparkles and sunshine—basically she's immune to any insult from you."

"About the deal we made," I flutter my eyes at him in joy. "—I did it. I got him to go with me to the movies."

He looks slightly interested. I thought he would be a bit more surprised than that. He was clearly underestimating me just yesterday.

"What about you? Did you manage to ask her?"

He scratches his head. "I-I haven't had the chance to talk to her."

I chuckle. "Poor child. Want me to ask her in your stead?"

"That would be great. Thanks a lot," he grins quite maliciously.

I was taken aback, realizing my remark backfired on me. I jab my fingers at him. "Y-you should be insulted not grateful!"

"Well you're offering me a good deal; how can I oppose?" he raises his shoulders and looks at me with a smug. "---that's really kind of you, Milicent. I'll pray that you'll get shorter."

"Since I'm in a good mood, I can sure throw in some compliments about you," I wink and his eyes sparkle like a kid who got Hot Wheels for Christmas.

"You're the best, Milicent."

"Hahaha, praise me more, Evans," I grin just like when my pet Doberman made himself submissive to me, his owner.

Janna sighs while looking at us as she rubs her chin. "I really don't get you both. Do you like each other or not? I give up."

We both look at her and say in sync. "We don't like each other! We're calling truce for now!"

A voice butts in. "Nice to see the day lively with our duo."

"Margot," Evans looks at her like a puppy who found his owner. Those starstruck eyes, I never saw Evans look that way.

Maybe he really likes her this much. I'm in the same boat, so I know how he feels.

"Hi, Evans," she grins and of course it makes Evans so gay that he's on the verge of having a mild attack with his face looking like he's one second closer to diarrhea.

"Margot, wanna come with us?" I say bluntly and straight to the point. If Evans is going to be a wuss about it, then I might as well say it. It'd be awkward if she said no and Evans becomes the third wheeler on my date with Clyde. Not that I'm going to let that happen.

Margot asks, still smiling. "What about?"

"The movies this Saturday," I flash her a smile. "—I've got tickets to the newly released movie. It's going to be fun."

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