Chapter Six - Stupid Fools Lose

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Chapter Six - Stupid Fools Lose

"Take a deep breath," I mutter as I lean my body to the movie theatre entrance, waiting for them to arrive.

I glanced at my watch. It was still 11:30 pm. Am I too early?  I thought that the proper etiquette when you're going out is that you need to be minutes early and this is the first time in my life that I arrived so early.

I observe the people around me with couples lurking by the side, hands clinging to their lover's arm with swooning looks. It makes me look pathetic in comparison standing all alone like I'm being stood up by my date.

With nothing else to occupy my thoughts, I fiddle around my purse and find my compact mirror to check myself one last time. I might have stuck food bits in between my teeth, and that would be the worst case scenario.

I shriek and almost drop my mirror out of my grasp when I feel a hand clasp on my shoulder. "Hey Milicent."

I whip my head in his direction and give him a glare, resting a hand on my erratic heart. "What's your problem?! I almost had a heart attack."

I pause, eyeing his outfit from head to toe. He's wearing his usual style; the casual baggy t-shirt and jeans with sneakers. He didn't even bother to spice up his clothes. "Geez. You don't really change styles don't you?"

He squints his eyes at me. "What does that mean? Are you insulting my style, tomboy?"

"Not really," I pursed my lips and chose ignore him. I don't want to drain my energy insulting him.

He leans beside me as we wait for the two. He then attempts to perk up a conversation. "You look nice, Milicent. I didn't know you had clothes like that."

I look down to see him and I can see his cheeks turn flushed. I look away, trying to hide my embarrassment. It feels so weird when he's complimenting me. "A-ah, thanks. Y-y-you look....human."

He pinches my sides and I winch in pain, narrowing my eyes at him. He rolls his eyes.  "I was trying to be nice!" he started and I rub my sides.

"--well I was trying to be nice too! What did you want me to say to you?!"

We kept on bickering back and forth that we didn't notice Margot and Clyde had actually arrived. Margot clears her throat and we both stiffen, like children caught in a crime.

I flash a tight-lipped smile. "Can you give us a few seconds?"

Margot nods and I pull Marco to the side, widening my eyes at him. "You shortie! Clyde saw me acting like a gremlin monster. What will my prince think of me now?"

"Geez Milicent. It takes two people to tango. You think I wanted to piss you off?" he snorts.

"Just make sure you don't embarrass me, Evans," I eye him. "--This is gonna be the start of my love life. I'll do the same thing, so let's just pretend for now that we're best friends, okay?"

He yanks my hand off his sleeve. "I know that, old woman. I'm not some kid you need to explain to."

. . .

"The movie theatre sure is crowded this time," Evans comments and everyone nods. He approaches the booth counter. "Are there any available movies this time?"

The guy on duty replies, like he's some automated machine with prepared response. "Unfortunately, the only movie available right now is Scream Guts 2 since the other titles are packed with people."

Evans glances at us. "It says that Scream Guts 2 is the only open movie for now, do you want to watch it or we'll wait for another one?"

Margot smiles lightly, clutching at her bag. "I'm not a fan of horror movies but I guess I'll be alright. It's just full of jumpscare anyway."

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