Chapter 10: Torn apart, again

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As soon as I regained consciousness i immediately scanned our surroundings, t' was a gorgeous palace, for an emperor of some sort, it was clearly made of stone bricks, and it was humongous, t' looked like some sort of special vila owned by only the rich. and far in the distance I saw a group of soldiers coming my way. To my surprise I found Ridley —who was stil unconscious— next to me. I shook him awake. " Ridley. Ridley! " I shouted the last part very loudly causing the guards who were coming from the — now very small—distance to look over and spot us, the guards rose their tempo and instead of marching, they were practically running towards us. Ridley noticed, and without looking away from them, he searched for my hand and grabbed it while standing up to run. We ran everywhere, around a water fountain, and on the way I managed to spot a red and golden flag which I recognized as the Roman flag; great, we were in the Roman time, I bet Ridley knows all about the Roman time. As for me: I only recognized the flag because Miss Vendel gave us an assignment in Foxfire high about it. And I was forced to print the flag out multiple times, so if I didn't have that assignment I wouldn't have known where we are, thank you Miss Vendel for the boring yet helpful assignment. But when I asked why we had to learn the flags, Miss Vendel replied with a lecture that it helps us gain intelligence, which I found weird because Foxfire field isn't really a place where we value intelligence. Foxfire field is a place we honor the hardwork and bravery that our finder went through to find us this place, now I'm starting to wonder if it was real or just a stupid lie. We ran around the palace and after some searching we found a door, without thinking we ran into it and locked it tightly, I looked around to find the light switch and turned it on, only to find a spider right above me. I backed up against the door, not taking my eyes off it, my whole body froze in fear and horror " R-ridl-ley. " I managed to stutter. He looked confused but then he saw the spider and took immediate notice of my arachnophobia. Ridley took a wooden board from the ground and hit the spider with perfect aiming. It seemed he was a little afraid of it too. I immediately realized we were stil holding hands so I gripped his hand tighter, I saw an envelope that was half open next to me on a damaged table, without hesitation I grabbed the envelope with one hand and backed up against the door again. Then we heard the door behind me open. I jumped backwards and before I could say anything, They Pulled me and Ridley out of it. And by 'they' I meant a dozen guards, or four of them, I don't remember as I was terrified to death. " Which one shall we take Sim?" one of the guards said in a weird medival time accent. " Might I make a suggestion Sir John?" The other one said, "it will not be a responsible choice to take the Black-haired girl. we don't have anything to do with them, girls are very weak and wil come to no use. And it seems she comes from another area, look at her necklace!" another guard said. "I asked Sim, but that is quite a great suggestion, Gwen." I lost patience completely, and without thinking I shouted; " JUST BECAUSE I MIGHT BE A GIRL, DOES NOT MEAN I AM WEAKER THAN THE REST!" The one called Sir John looked amazed that such a girl like me could be able to say such thing. " Lookie there. Black-hair can speak! " He said, and the whole set of guards started laughing."Take the boy. Lock him up. Don't let him escape, wait till the Queen is back, she might be interested, and he seems quite like a smart little one." I froze on my spot. "Of course, Sir John." one of them said and they separated Ridley from me. " LET ME GO!" I shouted. The one they call Sir John looked quite unimpressed by my sudden statement.
"What should we do with the girl? " Gwen said. "Let the girl go. We don't need her." As Sir John said that, I was dragged away by two of the guards and before I could plead them to let Ridley go. They pushed me out of the gates and just how it always happens, it all became black.

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