Chapter 12: " The dead shall never be dead to us, until we forget them "

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As i awoke from my deep sleep i immideitly took notice of my surroundings, i wasn't in Foxfire field anymore.
It was a forest, with oak trees surrounding me, i stood up with a bad headache, it took some time for the headache to stop, and so i stood up and walked around the forest in hope to find something or someone.
Because i had just realized that the more i traveled back and forth in time, the more i get used to it and the more it just becomes a part of my life. But i didnt want that, i dont want to be stuck in this time loop forever, i want to live a perfectly normal life like the rest of the 13 year old girls back in Foxfire field. And i had to find Ridley. Thats the only thing my mind could think about; Ridley.
I cant help but wonder what hes doing now, probably being tortured by the Romans. Or maybe he liked it there and would never in his life want to come back.
My thoughts were inturupted by the sound of soft footsteps, as if tip-toeing, not wanting to get caught. i turned around faster than light speed and saw what i thought was.....nevermind, its probably nothing. So i continued on walking, and out of the blue something ran by me, i could almost swear it was.....I turned around once again to find nothing, but it was strange as i thought i, its probably nothing, i must be halucinating, its nothing, as i continiued walking i noticed a cave and i immidiedly realized in which island i exactly am; The Scelus Terra which is latin for Crime lands, or Badlands, which is a place where all the criminals of Hollows island go, and the cave i had just stopped upon just happened to be Darnal Dexters cave, Darnal was one of the many Hollows criminals, he got arrested and banned from Hollows island for life duo to his robbery of medicine for him and his family which i found slightly unfair, this very cave was the cave he died in, i looked at the tombstone next to it, with his innitials on it D.S.D; Darnal Serena Dexter. Well, atleast he got a nice place to rest in, " Our dead shall never be dead to us, until we shall forget them. " I quoted. Just then as i was about to take my leave in hope to find the Romans, Ridley, or any of the rest. I couldnt possibly be so cold-hearted to forget about Zosia, Aris, Leonard or Vega. Though i did see Vega as a cold-hearted human being, how could she be so senseless and pathetic! Not far behind me i could see something, i merely thought it was a shadow, till i turned around.....Nothing. This place couldnt possibly be haunted, its just my halucination. Probably because i hadnt eaten in hours, or maybe days, maybe even years, i could not tell, but i did had a piece of bread in my pocket, maybe mum put it in there?....Maybe this was all a dream, maybe this is all happening inside my head, maybe everything i had just witnessed was just a lie, just like everything else. Well, as Norm would have it: " You simply cannot undo time."
i had that message tatooed in my brain. It might come to good use. I continued walging, and then i could swear i saw someone behind me, i couldnt take it anymore. " Who's there! "No answer. " I promise im innocent. you can show yourself! " Then i saw somebody appear from behind the trees, an old man with a beard, he looked like he was in his early 50's his clothes were ripped and he looked like he hadnt eaten in what seemed like forever, he took a close look at me and finally spoke: " Fayleigh..."

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