Chapter 15: Where are we?

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i found myself in a deep dark sleep to which i could not seem to awaken from, greeted by a deep dark dream. I was home...or at least what i thought might be home, a normal dream, except i couldn't quite think straightly, everthing felt like an illusion, a vision, a lie. I saw a door before me, the same door i open everyday to enter my house, everything inside of me told me not to open it, but i couldn't think clearly and before i knew it, it was opened, i leaped inside expecting to see mum cooking in the kitchen and the couch that was always messy, but there was nothing...i saw nothing, as if it wasnt my house anymore. everything was gone and before i could walk further something, —or rather someone —grabbed me by my shoulder and pushed me into the deep black hole of eternal nothingness. I jolted awake, my breathing was heavy, i could finally think straightly, before i could take my surroundings in i felt a familiar hand on my shoulder, i jolted up and without looking i slapped the person across their face until i realized who it is; " Ridley! " I shouted with a clear and visible tone of surprise, as he bent down in pain. " Is it just me, or is this major deja vu? " He told me as he stood up, looking at me. "Wha- How did you escape! I- did they hurt you?" I said, ignoring his question. "That's a story for another time, how did you get here?" He told me. "I- I don't even know what this place is. I just woke up here, any ideas?" It was a dark room with black walls and a grey floor, with a singular doorway seeming almost exactly as the one that stood before me in my dream, shivers were sent down my spine. " We're somewhere. I- I don't know," Ridley finally answered after some time. I looked at Ridley with surprise out of pure sarcasm plastered on my face. " Ridley Reubens? Saying 'I don't know'? What a surprise." I said, while he lightly shoved me, with a grin plastered on his face, i couldn't complain as I was trying to hide the smile creeping up on me. "You don't think this is set up do you?" Ridley asked after some time. "Maybe. But who am I to say anything, I have no knowledge whatsoever." I said as I slowly walked to the door trying to open it but the damned door just wouldn't budge.
"Ok, now my life is just messing with me." I said playfully to Ridley trying to tone down the creepiness of this room itself. He opened his mouth to say something but right before the words could leave his mouth the door knob twisted, I flinched back in shock while the doorknob kept on twisting. To my relief it didn't open, it couldn't open because it was locked, just then when I was ensured nobody could come inside I heard a girls voice. ( more like a women. ) " Call number 321, we need a key. Someone's inside here." I couldn't think of anything else. Ridley's face was unreadable but I knew we were both thinking the same thing: We have to get out of here. But we couldn't, not if we don't open the door, so I whispered in the most quiet voice I've ever said: " Quick, look around, there must be something." Ridley nodded at me and took out his shoes. I looked up at him —as he's taller—with a confused face. Then I realized, I took off my shoes right after Ridley because then we would be on our socks and they wouldn't hear us. Maybe then they would asume no one is there and leave us, but as luck has it we heard a male voice outside: "Number 321 is on her way, miss. " We had to be quick, what or whoever this number 321 is, it was on its way. I searched almost every corner of the room, then I saw a hole in the wall, i, it was almost invisible, but when I looked closer I saw that it was exactly shaped like my necklace, I took my necklace and hesitantly matched it with the hole, and then the walls opened to a halljust before me and Ridley could make it out the door opened and two guards caught us just before we could escape. " We got them Boss. " said the one holding me back. They pushed us out the door. " Hey, let us go—oh." And there I stood, in the middle of a gigantic tech-station, it looked absolutely breathtaking. I could stare at it for hours. The guards took notice of that and clicked a metal bracelet to our hands and let us go, they just let us go! At first me and Ridley looked at eachother with confusion, Ridley looked at the bracelet and studied it, I didn't have time for that and ran back into the room only to be greeted by glass wall. " Faye! Faye are you okay? Damnit I should've known, these bracelets are keeping us away from getting back. " "exactly! Well, I'll be taking you from here." Said a girls voice, it was a girl with black hair and brown eyes wearing a grey jacket with a greenish blueish iPad it seemed in her hands, she had a necklace on, but I didn't think too much of that, what I did notice was that on her jacket stood the numbers 321. This must be the girl who let us out. " Come along now. " she told us. " Where are we? What year is it? Why are we here? Who are you?" Ridley kept ranting unsurely, but how the girl answered the questions was very serious. "Your at the Emeralds tech-company, it's 3045. " I didn't quite listen to the answers she was giving us, but what really caught my attention was when she said: " And I'm Vira, Vira Foxfire.

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