Chapter 13: Do i know you?

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I looked at the man with pure terror, did i know him? i couldnt possibly trust an old man id never met, maybe he was a thief, he had to be! This is the Scelus Terra! but something in his eyes told me to trust him. " I-i'm sorry. D-do i know you? " i stammerd with confusion and terror in my voice. I couldnt quite make out his face, he looked familiar, but he was yet a stranger to my eyes. " Oh, of course you couldnt possibly remember me, its been so long. What brings you to this terra? " He told me with a smile on his face. Not a creepy scary smile, a happy trusting smile, the kind of smile someone has when they see somebody after a long time, the same smile i have on my face when mum makes my favorite lunch. Who was this? " I-i'm terribly sorry, um....W-were you once a friend of mine? O-or a friend of my parents? W-where have i known you from? Could you explain? " I told him desprately, but once i said it, i heard a visable tint of coldness in my voice, so i qiuckly added: " O-of course, if you wouldnt mind. " He looked me up and down, clearly in deep thought then he snapped out of his daze and told me everything he knew about me, once again not in a creepy way of course. " Well, my name is Patrick, my last name i have seem to forgotten. You probably wont trust my information at first, but trust me Fayeleigh, i have known you since you were a baby, you see. I've been stuck in a time loop. For years now, every time i leave a terra i find myself in another time, in a whole other terra, both near and far from Hollows. If youll ever have the heart to believe me, id appriciate that. But again i can understand its nearly impossible for such a young soul like you to believe. " My whole body was filled with terror, we werent the only ones. I wasnt the only one. " A, T-time loop? Youre stuck in a time loop? But I'm stuck in a time loop! " He looked like he didnt believe me, but then he must have thought of something to make him realize. ¨ Y-you? H-how long? Oh, Elvira, why would you do such a thing to such a young soul! ¨ I realized the terror in his voice, he almost burst out in tears, i quickly went to comfort him, but then again, how would one comfort a man one has never met, or never spoken too? " Patrick, dont cry. Its ok! Ill find a way for us to get out of this loop, its not the end of the world. Dear Elvira, Im terribly sorry for making one cry, t'was never my intention! Oh, im desperately sorry! " He then quickly realized he was crying and wiped his tears away. " Oh no child, youre not the reason im crying. " He stopped to wipe another tear and then continued: " Ive been stuck in this loop for what seemed like decades, maybe centuries. And its been the worst of expieriences. I cant let that happen to such a young soul like you. " Without thinking i hugged him. Yes you might think i was crazy to hug a man id just met. But something in me somehow knew what hes been through. Something familiar. Something trustworthy. something no one else would feel if they werent in our place. Oh, Elvira, help us. Please...

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