Chapter 14: Everyone has their story...

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As time went on, —whatever the time was— I got to know Patrick better, he used to be one of the many loyal Foxfirean guards who served for the old queen: Amyana Foxfire, who had died about a year before I was born. But Patrick was one of the not so many guards who had believed that Donar's great secret was indeed true . Some of the guards swore they overheard Amyana talking to her husband about it. While the others had sneaked around the Foxfire castle and found some of the old envelopes Donar had send. But none of the letters contained enough information to confirm that Donar had indeed done robbery and stolen Foxfire field, and labeled it his. Patrick wasn't fully one-hundred-percent positive about this, but he did confirm my theory about Norm being send off to sea by Donar and being killed by his best friend. He was also a loyal friend of my mum and papa. He was one of the first ones to have seen me when I was born. After papa died he helped mum raise me. He was there when i said my first word which was ' Bonnie ' because of course even before I was born, mum had Bonnie, which also back then was disliked by papa. It was just after I turned four years old and after he quit his job at Foxfire centrum that he entered the never ending time-loop. It was then when I was confused, nothing made sense anymore. And the fact that it happened in the early 2040's did not help at all, in fact it made things more confusing and frustrating for me than it already had been. Patrick asked about how I got here, and I explained everything, and by that I mean everything. I got a little uncomfortable when I got to the part where me and Ridley's argument, his words still replaying in my mind; " Don't think you're the reason we solved this. I did this. You know that! " I tried to take it out of my mind, but the very scene kept replaying, I know Ridley never meant what he said, and I'm not uncomfortable by this because of his words, I'm uncomfortable because he's not here. He could still be at the Romans, trapped and tortured, or maybe he was enjoying his life living with the Roman Queen. That very thought made a feeling pang in my chest, a feeling I'd never felt before. Patrick seemed to notice, and tried to comfort me by giving me a hug. which was kind of awkward. But i thought nothing of it. It somehow felt familiar. " You do know you cannot stay here any longer..." Patrick tells me slowly while pulling away from the hug. I look at him with a confused look. Patrick simply just smiles at me, again, not in a creepy scary way. A kind and genuine smile. " Go. " He simply just says in a mere whisper. I look towards the way Patrick's head is nodding. A sea, a large mint blue sea. Which I am guessing is the very edge of the Terra. I slowly approach it, wondering weather I should or should not, I look towards Patrick and he nods at me. But I just don't want to...yet I have to. " If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life wil reward you with a new hello. " I quote in my head, as I turn back to the waters. I sprint in, as I leave the Terra. And once again, life greets me with blackness...

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