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Author's Note UwU (> /// <)

Thank you to everyone who finished the book and came this far to read my author's note. Here, I'll be sharing the thoughts behind how I made this book, some lessons I wanted the book to show, and different symbolisms.

I was inspired by an idea that suddenly popped up in my head. It was about two lovers, both guys of course, that were married and had an adopted son. But, the other one was actually just reliving the past in his dreams. I thought it was a bit too complicated, so with a lot of editing I came up with this.

Originally, I wanted there to be more chapters. But, I decided that the short amount of chapters can also be part of the symbolism where life isn't something that lasts a long time, sometimes it can be suddenly cut short. Along with the turtle dove symbol. I wanted to show that the first turtle dove that left was both Lucas and Devin, and it showed they left Finn a bit too early. While the other turtle dove, was in a way, Finn's mind subtly telling him to wake up or to come back to reality.

I hope that you guys, or maybe some of you, understood that there were some parts, moments, and symbol/s about addressing and taking care of your mental health. And, parts about accepting who we are, being our authentic self, and just being a loving, caring, and understanding person overall, especially to the people whom you're close with.

But, I hope that all of you understood the general idea or moral of this story. It's that whatever negativity that happens, has happened or will happen, it will always be a part of our lives. Yes, we'll have times where we fall down in a pit or sink in an ocean where we feel cold, lonely, depressed, hopeless and helpless. But, we shouldn't let that stop us from living life.

Because, even if we feel those negative feelings and recall negative experiences, we all know that one day it will all eventually pass. It'll pass not because we've forgotten it or locked it away in our minds, but because we've accepted it and acknowledged that those negative experiences helped shape who we are now.

And yeah, I know there may very well be grammatical errors in this story, because I haven't written in a few years. But, I still hope you've all enjoyed this short story.


For my Pinoy readers, sorry kung lahat english ha? Gusto ko kasing mag-improve ang english writing skills ko, tsaka alam kong mas-cringe at mas maraming grammatical errors kung i-try kong isulat yung story ng full tagalog. So, sorry na ha? Pero, sana, na-enjoy niyo pa rin yung pagbabasa ng libro ko, hehehe. TY ulit! 

Bye guys! And, who knows, if I get inspired again I might write another book. BUT, just a short one. XD

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