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"Be careful please, Ash" My mothers whines.

I look at her and laugh, "Mom, please, I'll be fine. Thats like tenth time you have said that and  were not even at the school yet" I point to the road that we were still driving on.

"You think I don't know that. And I don't care how many times I say it" She scoffs.

I laugh and lean back in the seat, not responding to my mom. She was being her motherly self about me going to my new school. She's been worried all day about it. She will not cool down one bit.

You see, I'm getting transferred to a new school due to my "attitude" and such. I didn't really care. I hated that school. Oh, and don't think I'm a loser in school or something.

I'm really not. It was just "a phase" I was going through at my old school. I want to finish school. I want to go somewhere that will make me happy and be proud of myself. I don't want to be like those kids who drop out and work at McDonald's even though I did drop out for a half year.

Not even going to talk about it right now. Let's just say, if I could take it back then I would, no second thought on it. I'll like to press rewind and stop at that day and not do what I have done.

"We're here" My mothers voice ranged through my ears.

I sit up from the seat and look to my right side. There was a two story tall building, colored in red bricks with cracks in them. I turn to my mom and say, "This is the school I'm going to?"

She faked a smile, "Yeah, I guess it is, just give it a chance"

I groan and take off my seatbelt, grab my backpack that was on the car floor, threw it over my shoulders and said to my mom, "Only for you"

"Thank you. Now go" She smiled and hugged me. She let go and unlocked the doors.

I give her a smile and tell her goodbye and leave the car and nearly ran to the inside of the school. When I was inside I looked around, it wasnt bad but wasn't good either.

I walk into more of the building, trying to find the office. I look down each hallway I see but I found nothing. I walk around the area but find no office. Where is it? Its usually in the front.

"You lost?" A voice makes me jump. I quickly turn around and see a boy with black hair and a blonde streak in front.

I place my hand on my heart and breath heavily, "Fuck man. Don't do that"

He laughed, "Sorry, dude"

I rolled my eyes, "And yes. I am lost"

"I figured. Never seen you around here" He states the obvious.

"I'm not. I got transferred here" I say.

"That's, cool. Anyway" He says awkwardly, "Are you looking for the office"

I nod and follow him as he leads me to the office who had been moved to the back of the school since they was some disturbing stuff that happen.

I'm glad the blonde streak boy didn't tell me what happen, I didn't want to know. It's probably something disgusting. I don't want to know what happens at this school.

As the blonde streak boy leads the way, I decide to make small conversation with him. He seems like a cool kid to be around with. And he is the only one I had talked today.

"So, what's up with this school?" I ask, looking around the lockers/walls. They had spray painting or dumb pictures up on them.

"This school are for those who had done bad at there old school. All students here were all transferred here, even me" He explained.

"Why were you transferred here?" I ask. I was revealed when he told me. We haven't really known each other.

"I got into a lot of fights, always talked back to the teachers and never did my work" He shrugged.

"Oh" Is all I say.

I start to stare at my surrounding. All the walls had some kind of creative drawing or picture on them. Many were fading away. Others were trying to get washed away. You can see the dry water stain by the drawings.

Even if this school was really different, I found my myself likig it, a lot actually. It was such a weird school with complete weirdos here, even me.

"What about you? Why you here?" the blonde streak boy asks.

"I got in fights too, broke school property, fought with the principal, then dropped out of school midway" I say, he was looking at me with his eyes wide open.

Before he could say anything, I beat him to it, "I know, I know I'm dumb for dropping out but I came back to the school but they didn't want me back so sent me here. I did it for me mom"

"You did it all for your mom?" I nod, "That's a great reason to come back" He said but its like he meant it.

I thanked him, he said no problem and when he said that, we finally made it to a very small place. Must be the office. Its so small, I tried not to laugh but who cares.

We both walked in and blonde streak boy told me to wait and he'll talk to them. He leaned on the desk and started talking.

Not long until he turned around and handed me my schedule. It was small meaning, not a lot of classes but longer time. I silently groaned  but thank the boy.

Before I could leave, the principal wanted to talk to me. I didn't know why. Probably about the school room or something. The blonde streak big couldn't stay though. He had been dismissed.

When the blonde streak was almost out of the office, I called after him. He turned around and asked what I needed.

"I'm, Ashton, Ashton Irwin" I introduce myself.

He smiled, "I'm Calum, Calum Hood"


Thanks again for reading. I hope this is a good chapter for you all. I'm hoping this books gets more reads but it's the starting of it, no biggy.

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Lots of love,


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