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"Now, now, everyone go to your seats" Mr. Pual tells everyone as the bell ranged.

You could hear loud footsteps going across to one side of the room to the other, chairs being pushed in and out, voices lowering down by the minute. Within seconds, everyone was quirt down. You could hear no more sound besides the breathing.

I saw happiness go through Mr. Paul's face when he notice how quiet the class is. It isn't always quiet in this class. Mr. Pual has to shout at this class so much due to how noisey we are. A smile spreaded on his face.

Just as he opening his mouth to speak, the door went flying open to reveal Violet saying, "The queen has arrived"

Mr. Puals face turned a bit annoyed and lost his happiness. He crossed his arms and snatched the late slip away when she walked past him. I tried holding back my laugh.

When she walked down the aisle of the desks, she noticed how I was holding back a laugh. She smiled at me and sat down in front of me. Same thing happen everyday, she sent chills down my damn back, yet, she always notices but not this time.

"Anyway, what I was about to say before getting cut off" He gave Violet a stern look before going back to say, "Were going to be doing a class project"

Mr. Paul said it in a cheerful voice, making everyone either whine, cheer or just slam there fist on the desk. I silently cheered. I have been loving class projects lately. I don't know why people have I whine, its not that bad.

"Now stop whinning. Be happy that this is a partner project and in letting you guys pick your parents" He rolled is eyes.

When he said that, more people weren't whinnig, now cheering and looking and talking to others. I just stared down at my desk since I have no friends in this class. The one time I get to do it with someone, no one I know is here. I wish Calum, Niall or Jake were here.

"Before you pick your partners, let me explain the project" He settled everyone down.

"Since we have been reading Romeo and Juliet, and since its a love story, I want you, with a partner, to write a love song but if you don't want it to be love, you can do something else other than that. But it can't have swearing and stuff like that in it"

Now, there were more complaing then cheers. I pounded on my disk. Im not mad though about it, I'm actually happy about it. I love writing music so much.

"Excuse me sir?" Some girl besides me asks.

"Yes" He said to her.

"Isn't that for like music class?" She asked.

"Will, I've always made people write, so do you guys want to write a essay or a song?" He asked the class.

"Song" Everyone said, even me.

He chuckles a bit and clapped his hands together, "Now, go find your partners and get working. This will be due in two weeks"

Just with that, he dismissed us and everyone went around the room going to there friends and getting started on there own songs. I didn't bother to get up, again, I have no friends in this class.

I grabbed my book bag and unzipped it, pulling a notebook out. I grab a pencil in another pocket of my backpack. I zip it all back up and open my notebook. But couldn't when I find a tattooed arm on top of it.

I look up from the notebook, to see, of course, Violet smiling at me. Her arm removed it self from the notebook. I thought she was going to take her arm away but she ended up stretching it towards it my face. Her index finger then ended up to my check. She poked my dimple.

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