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"So, how was school?" My mother asks as I slam the door to my right.

I pull my seatbelt over me and answer, "Wonderful actually"

"Really? How?" She asked surprised.

"I made three friends who actually like me for once, there isnt a lot of classes, there just longer and" I explain but cut myself before telling her about Violet.

Violet, gosh damn, thinking of her name made me so happy. She was so beautiful. But she was also so different too. I was even more happy when I found out she was in my fifth period and she sits right in front of me in English.

I remember how she walked into class late without her jacket, showing off her tanktop also showing off her tattoos. Mr. Paul got ticked off how she was late and how she wasn't wearing her jacket to cover the "disturbing" tattoos. His words, not mine.

She didn't listen though. She ignored his words and sat down, right in front of me. When she saw that I sit behind her, she gave me a small grin. I got the shivers when she did. She saw, and kinda laughed. It was cute.

"Ashton" My mom smacked my arm.

I winch and grab my arm, where my mom hit me. I rubbed my arm and asked, "What?"

"What were you going to say? You said and but never finished?" She explained.

I realized what she was talking about and felt my cheeks burn up a bit. My mouth wanted to turn into a smile but I bit down on my lip, trying not show my smile to my mom.

My mom looked at me, to my lip then back to me. Her smile faded quicker than a blink of an eye. I knew what she was thinking about already.

"No" She says, eyeing the road.

I groan, "Mom, this is different"

She rolled her eyes, "No its not. Your not going to do this all over again"

I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and leaned back on my seat. I knew exactly what she didn't want to start over again. We dared to never talk about it ever again. Its the reason why I'm over here.

On the drive home, it was silent. My mother tried starting to start a conversation  but I just ended it by saying 'ok', nothing else. I didn't want to talk to her.

"Stop being so mad. I just don't want you to go through it again" She turns the car at the corner.

"But seriously mom, Violet is different from Ka-"

"Don't you dare speak her name" My mother cuts me off.

I mumble a 'sorry' and look down at my lap. I didn't mean to almost say her name but I couldn't help it. I can't bare to speak of her with my mother or she will flip. We've already done it once, and let me say; it was hell.

Finally, after it seems to be forever, the car stops in front of the house. I didn't take one second to waist, one the car stopped, I opened my door and nearly ran inside, to my room.

I threw my backpack to the right side of my bed and went to my desk. I sat on the chair and opened up my laptop that has just been laying there like a potato.

I watch as the screen of my laptop turn bright and go to my home screen. I didn't move the little awor I just stared at my screen. It was her. So beautiful but full of fuckig shit.

It took me awhile to realize that I had tears down my face. I quickly sniff and wipe away the tears that were falling down my cheeks. After wiping them off, I click on my browser and type in Facebook.

Two minutes of waiting for it to load, it finally loaded and I logged onto my account. My page popped up and I saw my notifications at 78, messages at 34, and people who want to add me at 66. And before you say that I'm "Facebook famous", I'm not.

Let's just say that some of my videos of me being in fights just went a bit world wide. And when the viewers found out I was getting transfered, they went crazy. I don't know why but some just thought I was so cool and such.

Every video has a comment saying to get transferred to there school but I couldn't choose and half if the school they comment were not even near where I live.

I pressed on my friend requests and denied a lot. I pressed like three people and accepted there's. I then caught three others who wanted to add me. Calum Hood, Jake Mill and Niall Horan. Of course I accepted there's. There my new friends.

I then click on my notifications and see that people had tagged me in stuff, comment on my recent pictures, liked and shared some of my status, ect. Just then, another notification pops up and I see it say: 'Calum Hood mentioned you in a status'

I click on it and read what the status says, it read:

Meet a lad named Ashton Irwin ! He's hella cool. Glad we got to meet you Ash. (Thats your new nickname xD)

I chuckled a bit and liked and commented:

It was nice meeting you and the other two ! Thanks Cal (That's your new nickname now)

I felt happy now. I forgot how my mom acted in the car and everything she said to me. I didn't care what happen with her. I totally forgot about it. Even how i just cried over my homescreen on ny laptop.

But for some odd reason, I clicked out of Facebook and stared at the screen that had her face. She was just pure beauty but a full of evil. Something that I won't forget.

"She was such a wonderful girl" I voice that I didn't need to turn around to see how it was, said.

It was my mother, standing at the door frame. I didn't need to look. She always did that.

I kept looking at the screen, "Yeah, she was"

"But she had to go"

"Your right. She had to go but I loved her"

I heard my mom huff, "I know you did"

I didn't say anything when I heard foot steps come closer. Again, I didn't turn to see who it was. My bed then made a creaking sound, sounding that someone sat on it.

"Tell me about Violet"

I bullet shot of joy came to me when my mom said that. I smiled, closing my laptop and turn around in my chair to fave my mom. She was situng on the edge of my bed with one leg over the other, ready to listen to me.

"Violet, Violet Clifford, she unbelievable. Words can't describe her at all. These tattoos she has make it even more hard to say stuff about it but not bad things, amazaing things. I met and saw her today and can I say, she is what I want" I smiled as I said that.

I saw my mom open her mouth to say something but I cut her off, "I know, I can't and won't. But that doesn't stop me from thinking of her. She's just better than"

I stopped myself. Do I dare to say her name?

My smiled faded,ez my stomach started acting up, my teeth tighten together, my hands were now in fists when I bluttered it, "Better than Kate Daniel"


Haha you guys don't know who she is but I do:) Sorry, I'm mean.


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