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"Girlfriend? That's my fucking sister"

Sister? No fuck they're siblining. They both have everything of one another. And the eyrs, the green eyes they have are so similar to each others. How can I be so dumb?

And let's not talk about how dumb I am with the last names. Violet Clifford, Michael Clifford, of course there fucking related. I have been dumb with a lot of things but never have I once, made myself look even more dumb in this situation.

"S-Sister? I, uhm, she never told me your her brother" I choke out.

"I didn't think you were that much of an idiot to not know that" He said, not taking his off of me.

"Look, I-I'm sorry. I didn't know but now I do. Can I just get to class?" I say in frustration.

I tried pushing him off of me but he held on to me tighter. He just laughed as I struggled to get out of his grip. I saw that he finally had enough of it and threw me.

My shoulder hit the ground hard and I slid across the floor, looking like a fucking penguin. I stopped slidding when the back of my head hit the wall. I groaned loudly in the pain and heard laughing.

I didn't notice my eyes were shut. I open them just to see blur. I tried getting up but just fell back down. My back hurt, my head kept poudning and I felt like I was about to throw up.

Just as my stomach hits the floor when I tried getting up, Michaels laugh stops and a big bang on the lockers crashed through my ears. I look up where the sound.

Sadly, I could not see what had happen. My sight hmis to blurry to even see what is going on. That's when shouting came.

"Dont you fucking touch him like that, Clifford" It was a thick Irish shouting. Niall. Was that Niall?

"Fuck off, Horan. This is none of your business" Michael shouted.

I heard mumbling, grunting, banging. I wanted it to stop. I place my hands on the floor and left myself up no matter how much it hurted. I got to my knees and used of my hands to grip on the wall.

In front of me was a water fountain so I used that to lift me up. I press down on the water fountain and feel water splash on my face. I get scared but realize what I did and washed my face.

My blurry vision got even worse and I cursed under my breath. I hear Niall cry in pain and I shout, "Niall, Niall please be ok"

It then hit me why my vision was such a blur, my contacts had fallen out some how. What the fuck? And don't even ask, I do have glasses but I don't want to wear them at all.

I finally get myself on my feet and look at every blurry object there is. I stumble a bit but held on to my surroundings. In front of me were two blurry figures. Surprisely, I saw the blonde on top of the red head boy, throwing punches.

I rushed over to them as fast as I could but I had to stop when my head pounded even harder. Tears fell down my face at the pain but I wiped them away. Finally, I got to Niall and pulled him off of Michael only to make his back trip of Michaels body, ending him to fall on me and we both fell.

"Ash, Ashton, I am so sorry. Come on, get up" He got up quickly, hovering over me.

I could see his face looking down at mine but I couldn't focus on looking at him. I thought more tears were coming out, but instead, I turned my head left and let out vomit. After I was done, I coughed like crazy.

I bet Niall had a face of disgust on. I couldn't blame him. I felt his hands wrap on my arm and lifted me up. He three my arm over his shoulder and used my shirt to wipe my mouth.

"What the hell is going on?" Niall and I turned around to look who said it. I didn't need to look, it was Violet.

I could feel her eyes scanning me. I didn't want her to see me like this, not at all. Its rather embarrassing if I'm being honest. Before either of us could say something, I let more vomit out, it landing on my shoes.

Niall patted my back and whispered that he was going to take me to the nurses. Before he did, he said to Violet, "Ask your dumbass brother"

As we turned around, we started walking down the hall. We turned the corner but I ran into it. I hit my face and groaned. Niall apologize and kept dragging me.

My body finally had enough of this pain and dropped. I fell on my knees and that's when everything turned black.

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