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"Violet, wake up" I shake Violet. I slide my arm out under her waist and steartched.

I hear her curse under her breath and watch as she pulls the covers over her. I chuckle at her but pull off the covers. I poke her aides and watch as she giggles. Yes, gigle. Its very cute.

I smirk and start repeating my action to her side. I see her teeth bite down on her button lip, trying not to laugh. She places her hand where I keep poking at but I find another place to poke her.

"Violet, come on" I say while I Stoll tickle her. She let's out a loud laugh when I use both hands to tickle her.

Within seconds, I was on top of Violet, tickling her. I saw as her face was red and she had a hard time trying to catch her breath. I smiled at the scene. Her long hair was scattered on the floor, her eyes shut tight, her laugh echod.

"A-Ash, stop" Violet laughed.

And so I did. I stopped tickling and removed my hands from her sides. I placed them on her hips and watched as her laughed died down. I didn't move after that. Her eyes open to connect with mine.

I looked at her eyes to her lips but back up to her eyes. She noticed I did that when she placed a hand on my neck.

I started leaning down as she kept her hand on my neck. My back ached as I did but I didn't care. All I cared about is that I'm about to kiss my crush.

Soon enough, our nose were touching. Her beautiful eyes were locked onto mine. I looked down at her lips, back to her eyes. But, just as I almost crash our lips together, my bedroom door swings open.

"Ashton Irwin, you better be getting ready" My mother yelled without looking.

I jumped off of Violet in a instant. I looked over at my mom who then looked down at me. Her eyes went from me to violet, back to me. My mom looked furious. She bended down and basically dragged me out of my room.

She smiled at Violet and told her we needed to talk. Violet just nodded. Once we were out of the room, my mom slammed the door and I jumped up on my feet.

"I know how you feel about girls sleeping over but this was an accident" I whisper so Violet can't hear.

"She was with you the whole time, I bet you noticed her fall asleep but didn't do anything" She whispered shouted. She was exactly right.

I shook my head, "No, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep first. And I'm sure Violet didn't know what to do so she fell asleep. And it was late" I lied.

My mom shook her head but said, "Fine. I'll let it slip this one time. Do not let it happen again"

I gave her a small smile and a nod. She pulled me in a hug and whispered, "I just don't want to see you hurt again"

After she said that, I clinged on the back of her shirt tighter. Memories flooded my head. I buried my head in the crook of her neck and held back the tears but I couldn't do it so the tears flooded out.

"S-She won't do t-the s-same thing t-to me" I choked out.

My mom hands went to the side of my face and pulled me off her shoulder, making us face to face.

Tears kept coming down my face, I kept sniffing. My mom used her thumbs and wiped away the tears, saying, "I know sweetie, but you can't always see what happens in the future"

I nodded. I knew if I tried to say something, I would fail. And besides, my mom was right. I don't need to go through to pain I once went through and Violet can be the same but not everyone is the same. Either way, I could get hurt.

Damn, I sound like a girl. But guys get hurt too. It's not always girls who get hurt. Girl, boy, someone is going to get hurt no matter what gender we are.

My thoughts went away when I heard my bedroom door creak open from behind. My mom let's go of me and I turn around. I quickly wiped my eyes and asked if she needed anything.

She shook her head, "I was just going to say that school is going to be starting soon but it can wait"

I can tell she added the last part of her sentence when she saw me crying. I smiled and nodded. My mom patted my back and went downstairs. I followed Violet back into the room, closing the door behind.

I leaned on my door when it closed and shut my eyes. The tears stopped and I sighed.

"You ok, Ash?" I open my eyes to see Violet staring at me with a worried face.

I smiled and nodded, "I'm fine"

She nodded as well and stood there. I'm glad she didn't take it any father. I walked over to my dresser and gave her a flannel of mine and handed it to her.

She told me she could just wear the same pants since they are black and no one could tell if she changed then or not. I nodded and got my own clothes

We both changed in the same room, not looking at one another and kept quiet. Just as I turn around, I was facing Violet. She was shorter so I had to look down a bit.

She cupped my face and wiped away the tears that were stil there. I didn't even notice they were. She gave me a smile and suddenly, I quick peck on the checks.

"Whatever is going on, remember I'm always here for you, Ashton"

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