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I'm so sorry that I havent updated in weeks. I love you all!


"Mom" I shout out, "I'm home" I let Violet in the house first and close the door behind.

Violet walks in but stops when she reaches the living, standing there awkwardly. Something I've never seen before. I walk behind her and place my hand on here waist, walking her to the kitchen.

She got startled at first but let loose when she saw it was just me walking her to the kitchen. I push out a chair for her and watch her sir down, uncomfortable.

"Want a drink?" I ask, walking to the refrigerator.

"What do you ha-"

"So this is the Mrs. Violet you've been talking about" I hear my mom run down the staries and gasp with the fakest voice ever.

I feel my face heat up and my body frozen. My back was facing towards them with my hand on the handle. I didn't want them to see him like this but I do not want my mom telling Violet about me talking about her.

I quickly let go of the handle and turn my heel. I look at Violet, who was talking to my mother very awkwardly and my mother babbling.

"Ashton, you talk about me?" Violet grins.

"What? Of course not. Maybe I've mention your name before" I nervoulsy scartch my neck, walking to them.

I walk over behind where Violet is sitting and here my mom say, "Oh goodness, he doesn't mention your name, he goes on and on about you"

Violet starts laughing really hard with my mom as I stand there chuckling very, verry awkwardly. My mom was about to say another word bit I placed my hang in front her face and made her to stop.

"Fine" She told her eyes. "What are you guys even up to?"

"Oh, Mrs. Iwrin, were actually weitig a song for English about love" Violet says, brightly.

"Will, that sounds fun. I'll be going now. Don't want you two failing" My mom gives us a little wave before walking out the kitchen.

I smile to my mom and walk back to refrigerator. I open it and grab two Sprites. I hand one to Violet and tell her to follow me up to my bedroom.

We basically jog up the stairs to my room and when get there, I open the door for her and do the same thing when I let her in the house. I place my Sprite on my dresser and tell Violet she can sit on my bed.

She does as I told and places her backpack on the right side of her on the ground. I walk over to my desk and and throw my backpack on top. I unzip it .and grab the notebook and pencil.

After zipping it back up, I jumped on my bed, beside Violet who just sat there while I lied my head on the headbored and my legs were on it too. Violet sits there awkwardly still.

I look at her for awhile, not noticing when she catches me, saying, "What?"

"Why are you being so awkward?" I blurt out.

"I don't know. Its just, I've never been here so I don't know what to do" She explains with a shrug.

"Come sit by me" I scooted over. She just kept her eyes on me, not moving. "I don't bite" I laugh.

She chuckled and got up. She sat on the bed next to me and made herself comfortable as I told her to. I sit up straight and open the notebook. I flip threw pages and find the one where it had our ideas on it.

After three hour of working on some of the spelling of the words and re-worded some of it. We've almost completed the song.

I can feel Violet looking over my shoulder as I rote down notes. Her cold breath hit my bare shoulder. Chills went my back as she placed her hand on my thigh.

"Ash" I heard Violets voice.

I shake my head a bit and drop the pencil on the notebook. I look over at Violet and catch her eyes. Beauty.

"Y-Yeah?" I stutter.

"I was thinking that we should do something else. Like, we have two weeks to do this and we've gone pretty far with the ideas since school ended. So, can we?" She explains while looking down.

My palms started getting really sweaty when she finished that. My heart started beating fast when she said that we should do something else.

She is right that we've got two weeks to turn this in. I nod slowly not noticing my mouth hanging open. She smiles a bit and takes the notebook and pencil away from my lap and place it on the dresser beside her.

"S-So, what do y-you want to d-do?" I ask while my stutter came out.

Fuck you, stupid stutter.

She shrugs, "Anything. Its your house and I don't know what we can and can not do. You pick"

"We can watch a movie?" I say, coming out more like a question. At least I didn't stutter. That's good.

Her face lit up when I said a movie. Gladly I had my own TV in my room. We decided the Disney movie 'Lady and the Tramp' Ive seen it a million time and sick of it but Violet hasn't and I said we could because I'm that nice.

After twenty mintues of auguring of who would get up; which Violet got the disk while I got food and blankets from downstairs, we finally settled in the room with everything good.

We decided that we would lay on the floor. Blankets were scattered, pillows laid at the top, and the food were on the sides.

I look at Violet who looked really excited and asked if she was ready to watch the movie but she shooked her head and said, "Do you have any clothes I can barrow? I don't want to be laying down in this" She gestured at the clothes she was wearing.

I nodded and walked to my dresser. I grabbed one of my muscle shirts and pajama bottoms and tossed them to her. I told her where the bathroom is and watched her leave.

I grabbed some clothes for me and changed quickly before she came back. After I changed, I picked up my clothes and threw them in the hamper with other clothes in there.

Before I even noticed, I was lying on the blankets, eating some chips. That when Violet walked in. She looked amazing. My shirt hanged low on her. I waved her over to me and let her lay down next to me while the movie started.

We watched half of it before I fight some weight come on my chest. I look down and see Violets head on my chest. I whispered her name but stopped when I heard her light snores.

She fell asleep.

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