I: They're Called Hormones

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Huffing and panting with his face basically kissing the ground, Midoriya groaned and rolled over onto his left side with hands cupping around his core, an aching pain that continued to grow worse with each time that he picked himself up off the floor. The fact that he was even thinking about getting off of the dirt made him question just what kind of stupid decisions he's made in life for him to end up in this spot. Though, it's not like this is the first time he's been laid out like this.

"HMPH!" Tiger huffed with a right foot stomping besides Midoriya's head, kicking up a small puff of dust that wafted into the student's face. "You noobs, when will you ever learn that you won't get to where you want to be in life if you continue to kiss the dirt because you're not lively enough?! I wanna hear you scream your hearts out with all of that youthful fire you got inside of you! Got it?!"

"O...Okay..." Midoriya rasped.

"Hey Tiger!" Ragdoll called from an opening in the forest, majority of the students located around said opening along with bottles of water and other basic necessities. "Eraserhead and Vlad need to speak with ya real quick!"

"Do they huh? Hmm, alright then, I guess we can take a break while we're at it. Pick yourself up and dust it off Midoriya, I know you got it deep down inside of you. I'm here to bring out that liveliness from within, even if it means I have to beat you to a pulp just to do it."

'I really hope you don't have to but, do what you have to do I guess.' The student groaned as he slowly picked himself up onto his knees as Tiger jogged over to the direction of Ragdoll to speak with the homeroom teachers. Both of his arms cradled his stomach, looking over in a separate direction to see several 1-B students giving uneasy looks his way with a bit of fear thinking they might have to go through that kind of training as well.

First full day here at the Pussycats' Training Camp and already things were looking down for Midoriya, and by down he meant down on the ground with the rest of his body. Tiger's Pliabody Quirk made him a formidable close quarters fighter and combining that with his unpredictable feline fighting style made him all the more competitive in the brawler game. The student already knew that the training camp was designed to push the very limits of he along with the rest of his classmates but he didn't expect to find himself in this sort of situation, doing an abundance of bizarre exercises and being repeatedly bashed around by Tiger like a ragdoll. There was already one Ragdoll out here with them there really didn't need to be another.

"Having fun over there?"

"AHHH!" Midoriya yelped, ignoring the pain in his stomach for a moment as he was genuinely frightened by a voice popping into his head out of the blue. It felt weird, so out of place from the normal voice in his head whenever he read something or thought to himself on what to do next. It sounded feminine, familiar but at the same time unfamiliar. "W-W-Who said that?!"

A woman's chuckle was heard to his right along with a rustling of bushes, feet stamping out onto the dirt as they grew closer to him. Sauntering over to him was Mandalay with a cold water bottle in the grip of her left paw, dangling from her claws with a droplet of the refreshing liquid sliding down the outside. "Sorry about that, guess first timers might be a bit startled when I pop into their head."

"Oh yeah. I forgot you had that Quirk Mandalay, or, Mandalay-sensei. Sensei? Sorry."

"Mandalay, Mandalay-sensei or just Sensei is fine with me Midoriya. Whichever you prefer. You look like you need this."

"Thank you." Midoriya said, taking the water bottle from Mandalay with a grateful nod. As he made quick work of the cap and started to down the icy cold liquid down his trap the brunette Pussycat strolled over to a nearby tree trunk that was on it's side and took her seat over the bark. Crossing her right leg over the other.

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