19: Business Partners

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'Am I still asleep or something?' Pixie-Bob thought, confused and wondering whether she had truly waken up ten minutes ago or not. 'Is this a dream?'

"-and so when I got there, it was this old short man who looked like he had no clue what day it was!"

"Hmph, gave you the panic that you just walked into some random person's house huh?"

"Yeah exactly! I was scared at first cause he was laying face down and he had all these sausages spilled around him I thought he was dead! So, then he just flips the whole script on me right? And for the first time in a long time I was so caught off guard at how-"

'These two were arguing like cats and dogs yesterday. Now they're just...fine? Even for Sosaki, this is so strange.'

And Pixie-Bob wasn't the only one who was lost and confused at the drastic change between Midoriya and Mandalay, as Tiger and Ragdoll were also in their mind trying to figure out what in the world went down for them to flip their behaviors so drastically. Last night the tension was so high and so thick that the very kitchen was uncomfortable to be in even after he stormed out with the woman hot on his tail. It wasn't to say that dinner was ruined because of their bickering but they essentially took all of the volume with them, leading the Pussycats who remained to believe that the upcoming morning would be the same if not worse.

But to their absolute surprise, that wasn't the case at all.

What they expected to be Mandalay coming down the stairs and rudely waking the student up from his sleep with either a shove of his body or some other type of physical contact, they were frozen by the sight of her gently rocking his forearms followed by a quiet whisper in his face. Initially they thought this to be a prank that would lull Midoriya into a sense of false comfort and when awoken she would unleash her wrath on him that had been left over from the night previous. And for the second time, that wasn't the case, as he greeted the woman with the groggiest smile possible.

Mandalay wasn't the type of woman to hold petty grudges, but she certainly wasn't the type to easily forgive somebody or let something slip past her without mention. So to see the angry feuding duo somehow leave and vanish into thin air and be replaced by this friendlier and much more amicable pair did throw the Pussycats for a loop. What exactly happened between the two of them last night after they left that was the equivalent of dragging a giant rug over the situation and pretend it didn't exist anymore? Better question, should they even ask about it? Their curiosity said yes but the better of them decided it was best to leave private business as just that. Private business.

"Soooooo." Tiger chimed in after Midoriya finished his story about the experience of training with Gran Torino. It wasn't the best of ideas to bring up bad business first thing the next day but as second in command it was his duty to make sure no blood would spill over something that may not be quelled. "I take it everything's, fine, now?"

"Oh yeah we're coasting from now on." Mandalay answered with a confirming nod from Midoriya. "Sorry that last night was so um, abrupt, like that. We just had a disagreement about something important between us and it carried over to dinner when it shouldn't have."

"Yeah sorry if we scared or worried any of you guys, that wasn't our intention." Midoriya added. "But that's behind us, we're not gonna let it get to us like that again."

"We made out now, everything's cool."

"You mean made up." Ragdoll corrected. "It's made up."

"Oh, yeah." Mandalay raised a mug of coffee to her mouth before looking across the table, her eyebrows flirtatiously raising twice over the rim of the mug with her Quirk activating. "Yeah that too."

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