II: Conversations

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"Uwahhhhhrmmmmm..." Half-groaning and half-yawning, Pixie-Bob hobbled her way into the kitchen area of the Pussycats' home, rubbing a right fist up against her eye tiredly. Her pajamas that consisted of a light-blue long sleeve shirt with matching bottoms were completely disheveled and wrinkled from a night's worth of tossing and turning. Her eyelids were mostly shut as she resorted to her nose that helped find her way into the kitchen where the smells of breakfast were beckoning to her along with the sound of something sizzling in a pan. "Good mornrmmm."

"Ahh, Tsuchikawa! Good morning to you too." Tiger called from the stove with a light yellow apron tied around his body. The blonde Pussycat was the last of the group to enter the kitchen as Mandalay and Kota were sitting beside each other on one side of an auburn colored dinner table, Ragdoll sitting on the side opposite of the other two. They all wore the same style of pajamas just in the color that matched their themes, burgundy red for Mandalay and Kota, green for Ragdoll and brown for Tiger. An abundance of plates with hot food were already laid out in a straight line across the table though for the youngest of the group he decided to just stick with cereal and not even bother with the rest of the assortment.

"So glad you could join us at last."

Pixie-Bob slowly pulled the chair beside Ragdoll out from the table and took her seat onto it with a plop, lazily pointing to a pitcher of steaming hot coffee. "Mmm, Shiretoko. Could you pass the coff...ffuu-"


Was the sound made by the blonde's forehead smacking onto the table.


"Kota, I understand you don't like them but you need to eat some sort of fruit every once in a while." Mandalay stated with a fresh red apple being held in her left hand. "Once you finish that cereal eat this apple."

"No." The young boy growled with his eyes focused onto a phone that had been propped in front of his seat. He raised a spoonful of chocolate flavored flakes into his mouth and continued to watch his animated show. "I hate apples."

"What? No you don't you said you like it the last time you had some."

"That's cause it had peanut butter with it Auntie. I hate apples with no peanut butter."

"Peanut butter or not you're going to eat this apple because it's good for you, otherwise you can forget about playing your game later today." Mandalay picked up a nearby knife and began to slice several slices off of the apple, placing them onto a napkin besides the bowl of cereal. "You're eating those Kota, no if's and's or butt's about it."


"Don't worry Kota, they may taste bad but apples are really good for you!" Tiger said as he flexed both biceps out into a pose. "They make you grow big and strong and keep you healthy. Like me!"

"I don't wanna grow up to be like you Uncle. You're a hero, I hate heroes."


"Ha-ha-ha! It's alright Sosaki I don't mind at all, kids will be kids. If you don't want to eat the apples that make you big and healthy then fine, don't. It would be a shame though, if I stopped making my Tiger cobbler. And all because somebody decided not to eat their apple slices..."

Kota grumbled as he lifted another spoon of chocolate cereal into his mouth, chewing for a few moments before diverting his eyes to the few slices that were shaped like half-moons. Look at them, those disgusting slices of a healthy substance just sitting there next to his bowl of deliciously good cereal. How dare Mandalay put those filthy red cuts so close to his sugary addiction, and without his permission either. But now he's being forced to choose between Tiger's super delicious cobbler that contained chocolate and marshmallows instead of a fruit and topped off with super hot fudge and whipped cream, or not being able to enjoy said cobbler all because he refused to eat a few slices.

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