V: First Big Step

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Midoriya hummed and looked over the sheet of paper in his right hand, pushing along a large shopping cart down the middle of an aisle. It was restocking day for the 1-A dorm and the successor along with Kirishima volunteered to do the heavy lifting of the groceries. For Midoriya it was mainly part of the fact that he was already planning to go out into the city anyways due to needing to pick up a few of his own items so grocery shopping wasn't something that bothered him. For Kirishima, it was a matter of being bored and having nothing to do.

"Aw sweet! They got the Hellflame Edition Spicy Chips!" Kirishima exclaimed after picking up a crimson red bag of curl shaped potato chips. "Supposedly these are the hottest kind of chips they got in the market, even hotter than Endeavor's own Quirk. I doubt anything would come to that kind of heat but I've always wanted to try these."

"Is that on the list?" Midoriya asked with eyes skimming over the paper. "Hey I don't think that's on here Kirishima."

"It's not but it's okay though. Yaoyorozu said that if there's anything we wanted we could just throw it in the cart and put it on the card she lent to us. She told me herself."

"I don't know, I mean I know she's really nice and all letting us use her card but is it really okay for us to be throwing in whatever we want? I wouldn't want to use up more funds than we have to."

"What? Dude she's stinking rich and I mean it when she said it doesn't matter. If you want I could text her and have her tell me again so I could show it to you. I get what you mean when it comes to getting our own little stuff but if it's Yaoyorozu we're talking about don't you think she would've said otherwise if she had a problem with it?"

"Hmm. Well, I guess you're right." Kirishima tossed the bag of chips into the cart among a pile of other things, Midoriya watching with a bit of guilt but deciding to leave it be. A few more items remained on the list for the boys to pick up. "Just don't go overboard with it."

"Relax buddy you don't have to worry about me going crazy with the money. By the way, where did you go last night you kinda took off without saying anything to anyone."

"Last night? Oh, I uh, I had dinner with Mandalay."


"What?! No! No Kirishima we're not dating, that's a wild thing to assume. When I mean dinner I mean a normal sit down and having dinner with each other that's it. We went to a restaurant that she reserved for us."

"Ohhhh." Kirishima sounded. "Man you're lucky, I wish I could've had dinner with a pro hero. My mom's a big fan of Mandalay if I had known you were going to see her I would've asked if you can get her autograph. Oh well maybe next time. Wait, why did you have dinner with her in the first place?"

"It was thanks for saving Kota back at the training camp." Midoriya replied. "When the chaos broke out and the camp went under siege, I knew that Kota was probably off by himself somewhere and he would need somebody to escort him back to the main lodge. Thankfully I got there in time to stop that big villain from potentially killing Kota, and Mandalay wanted to pay me back for what I did. I told her it wasn't necessary but I-I didn't wanna be rude so I joined her."

"Kota....oh yeah! That little kid that decked you right in the nuts when we first got there! I remember him, kid was always so grumpy towards us even though we never did anything to him. Like he hated us."

"He didn't hate us, he hated what we were trying to become which is being a hero. Mandalay told me about his past and how he developed a hatred for heroes or people wanting to be heroes and it really shined a light for me on family matters. I mean, what if we die? The toll it takes on our families..."

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