VII: Word Of Advice

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-now, whether or not somebody decides to take the chance at grasping the opportunity to be something great while being Quirkless is up to them. The only one who could truly make life meaningful would be the one in control themselves, not those around them. Just because somebody is Quirkless doesn't mean that they are meaningless. We were all born during this specific period of time for a reason.

Ragdoll sighed as she placed the book onto her desk, looking out of the open window that she sat in front of. It was a beautiful sunny day with an abundance of clouds dancing above in the atmosphere and the perfect combination of heat to breeze. The baby blue sky was colorful as per usual, or at least to Ragdoll, it didn't feel colorful. Not anymore.

Ever since the loss of her Quirk Ragdoll's life had taken the form of a downwards spiral that just went down, and down, and down, and down. Never to see an end in it's descent to whatever sort of bottom awaited it if any at all. While there was no feeling of what it truly felt like to have her Quirk stolen from her it still felt as if she was missing some part of her body. Whether it be a leg or a hand or an arm or an eyeball, it felt like one of those parts was missing except they weren't. It was just her Quirk missing and nothing more. But, she still felt like a handicap had been placed and one of her limbs was somehow gone.

Aside from her close friends and Kota, nothing really seemed to have any importance. Or at least feel important in her perspective. There was no drive to go exercise like she used to, go for walks through the forest listening to the chirping birds and the nearby river like she used to, partake in activities with the rest of the Pussycats/Kota like she used to, there was no desire to do any of that. And mainly due to her thinking now that she's Quirkless she's not that same person anymore who used to do all of that on her free time. She felt different, foreign in this world. Obviously she was still identified as Tomoko Shiretoko but a small part in her mind was stuck on her thinking that wasn't her name anymore. She didn't know what to think for that matter.

The rose for example, sitting prettily in a pot right on the window sill. It was indeed a rose but the popping red color that it's known for wasn't so 'poppy' anymore. There was no vibrance to it no liveliness no excitement, it just felt like a plain old flower to Ragdoll. Which is a shame since in the past she absolutely adored roses, their fragrance and beauty was something that she enjoyed whenever stumbling across them. Now however, it was different. She took a look at the rose and the feeling of being happy about it was no longer there. Thrown into the wind.

From the open window came a butterfly fluttering from outside, it's purple and blue colored wings grabbing Ragdoll's dull attention. The insect landed on the very top of the rose with wings slowly opening out and closing back in to rest. It was a beautifully colored butterfly no doubt, the black edges around the more colorful purple and blue were astonishing to look at it's design. But while it was indeed a pretty thing to look at it just didn't feel so pretty anymore for the woman. In her childhood years she used to enjoy everything about butterflies, how they looked how they flew around elegantly, if it was butterfly related she was all for it. Now, there didn't seem to be anything in the insect that made her feel excited for it anymore. This feeling of emptiness was dreadful.

While she was so mixed in with these feelings of loss and what many might consider depression, there was something that did pique her curiosity. A very certain incident at the supermarket regarding a student has led her to what might, juuuust might be considered a strand of hope that she should hold onto. Nowadays she isn't the type of person to reach out and grasp for straws but if somebody was able to go through majority of their life being like she is now and still find something to fight for, it probably isn't too crazy to say she might be able to do the same. Key word might since there wasn't any real motivation for wanting to try anything honestly. If she wanted to have a chance of rekindling that heroic spirit of hers then she'd like to have a possibility of speaking with them once more. She was curious, and curiosity will either kill this cat or save it.

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