VI: Beach Vibes

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"-and as of right now, the hero Ragdoll has not been participating in any of your works correct?"

"That's correct." Mandalay replied.

In a small office located on the 32nd floor of a giant skyscraper, she along with Tiger sat on one side of a desk while a man wearing a navy blue suit with white collared shirt and red tie sat on the other side behind a computer. Both of the Pussycats wore a black blazer with white collared shirt, Mandalay wearing a pencil skirt with stockings and high heels as Tiger wore the same color slacks with shoes. In the corner of the office stood another individual but this one wore the stereotypical outfit of a male superhero with a red cape, yellow gloves and boots along with a bodysuit. A gray colored helmet with a red cancel sign obscured their identity as they stood silently off to the side.

"I registered my team as standby for the time being until Shiretoko herself decides when she would like to continue. While we are able to function without the use of her Search Quirk I'm not going to continue any activities for the time being unless our presence is required."

"Shiretoko has been silent on whether or not she has plans on returning to us back out onto the field." Tiger added. "She may not have a Quirk but that doesn't mean we want her any less out there. She is still a capable fighter and like the rest of us has trained so that she could perform her duties without a Quirk. Not like her Quirk boosted any of her physical capabilities to begin with."

"Mm-hmm." The man in the suit hummed with his fingers typing away at the keyboard, eyes locked onto the screen. "And correct me if I'm wrong but the hero Miruko is currently active in your area yes?"

"Correct. Sosaki told us that Miruko had been planning to come out into our sector for some time now, and now that we're on standby she took the opportunity to take over. She also opted to NOT take in some of our compensation that is paid by the board, only receiving the pay for what she has done."

"And has Ragdoll received any form of compensation since the incident revolving around her Quirk stolen?"

"We've received the first form of payment that was sent to us by the Disabled Heroes Assistance Association I actually have the receipt of the check with me if you'd like to see it." Mandalay answered. "We also received the bi-weekly pay stub from the board and when we went to split the check into the respective amounts, she denied it. So for the time being we have an amount of pay made out to Ragdoll lying around that she hasn't claimed yet."

"So ever since the incident she has not participated in ANYTHING revolving her hero personality? No charity events no sponsorships no activity out on the field nothing of that sort."

"Nothing at all sir."

"I see." The man hovered his mouse around something on the screen, clicked twice then continued to type on the keyboard. He clicked another time on the mouse before clearing his throat and diverting from the keyboard to position his shoulders straight with the heroes. "Now then, as one of the many positioning administrators on this board it's my job to determine the status of a hero after a recent incident.

Ragdoll's Quirk was stolen by the one known as All For One I believe that much is known by everybody. While I have no doubt that she can still handle herself physically with the loss of her Quirk it's events like this that really place a lot of pressure onto that hero and whether or not they can continue. Her role in your hero team must have been something along the lines of reconnaissance or a radar to help ping for those lost in the mountains. Normally in the past this wouldn't be such a huge deal but now that the Symbol of Peace All Might has retired, things are um, a bit different I'm afraid.

All Might and All For One were signposts in their respective worlds. While the villain side has taken a substantial loss from the absence of a highly dangerous person such as All For One, the hero side has taken a toll that is the same if not greater than what the villains have lost. Japan's crime rate went down a significant percent during All Might's time and now that he's gone there's a chance that rate might go up. The underworld is home to very nasty individuals and the likelihood that somebody stronger than All For One will take up the mantle of most dangerous villain may not be so far fetched. While heroes like Endeavor, Miruko, Hawks, Crust and Ryukyu are in the top ten rankings we still need every able bodied hero we can get to fill in the hole that All Might has left behind.

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